Committee looks to centralize stance on academic dishonesty
The Oswego State committee in charge of plagiarism has begun a search to form a centralized way to handle cheating on campus. The committee is looking for a way to provide faculty with the tools to prevent it from happening….
In The Office – Waiting on true sportsmanship
The pageantry. The spectacle. The sight of thousands of fans screaming and cheering for their country. No, I’m not all riled up over the Winter Olypmics. I’m waiting patiently for the World Cup. It’s the greatest single event in sports,…
College named to community honor roll
The engagement of Oswego State’s students in the community and professors’ use of service learning in classes have again earned the college recognition on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. The Corporation for National and Community Service bills…
Community service a labor of love
We’ve all learned that community service is admirable. In the eyes of a student, however, community service may be considered a pain (sometimes literally). Perhaps after having been required to fulfill community service hours in high school, it would most…
Basements, babes and blue
It’s not every week we salute a true artist in the pages of this here Oswegonian. Usually we’re too busy paying homage to the puck-slapper of the week or running stories about the newest strange animal in Oswego County. (By…
Metro Center looks to increase enrollment, programs offered
Graduate school classes are being held at the Metro Center in Syracuse due to the location and proximity to a majority of the students, which causes some distress for those students closer to campus. The Metro Center opened in May…
Lori Moreth – 3/5/10
The question is whether the government can implement bans, restrictions, regulations and mandates on its citizens without those actions violating the Constitution. Some would argue that if the end justifies the means, as in protecting the public or the environment,…
Keith Harris – 3/5/10
The role of government should only be to serve and protect the interests of the people it represents as well as those of the global community. The moment a government takes any action which violates the freedom or welfare of…
Media should never lionize a Tiger
Over the past three months, we’ve been bombarded by the Tiger Woods fiasco. It’s not surprising, since it’s not everyday that the world’s most dominant athlete gets involved with a major sex scandal. Since everyone in the known world knows…
U.P. to look into Rave Guardian’s effectiveness on campus
The Rave Guardian program is receiving a second look as data shows that as few as 300 to 500 students may be utilizing the safety initiative, which replaced the campus’s iconic blue lights. According to Oswego State University Police (UP)…