Supporting Equality
As many already know October 11th will mark the twenty-first anniversary of National Coming Out Day. In honor of this day, Oswego State’s Rainbow Alliance is distributing T-shirts to all students who want to show their support. The shirts will…
America not really number one
You know the phrase, America: We’re Number One. Stephen Colbert shouts it all the time on his show to get his crowd into a frenzy. It was a criticism brought against Obama during the campaign when he said he wanted…
AiC back after 14 year hiatus
Moving forward is a grueling task, especially for a rock band attempting to overcome the death of its lead singer. The creative process is limited to, somehow, honoring the fallen voice while learning how to speak anew. For Alice in…
Life as U.P. officer: tough, but rewarding
Just two years removed from undergraduate studies at the University of Buffalo, Mark Dermody serves as one of the youngest University Police officers on Oswego State’s campus. He believes that his age and graduation date give him an advantage when…
Mariah’s not perfect but she’s back
"Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel," Mariah Carey’s 12th studio album, has arrived after much anticipation. In this album, Carey goes in an opposite direction than her previous album "E=MC2." Overall, Carey seems to be singing softer; her lyrics exude a…
Shortie Says
Shortie,I think my roommate is being abused by her boyfriend. She has bruises that she tries to hide and I’ve heard him say some mean things to her. He doesn’t like it when she hangs out with her friends and…
Love brings a lighter side for AFI
On Sept. 29, the California band AFI (consisting of singer Davey Havok, guitarist Jade Puget, bassist Hunter Burgan, and Adam Carson on drums) released their eighth album "Crash Love," exposing yet another switch in the sound of their music that…
Final cut could be new beginning
As many of you know, Roman Polanski, the legendary director whose masterpieces include "Rosemary’s Baby" and "Chinatown," was arrested a couple of weeks ago in Zurich, Switzerland for a 32-year-old statutory rape charge. Polanski was accused of drugging a 13-year-old…
‘Pandorum’ strikes fear in Quaid, audience
How long do we have left on Earth? With our dependence on the dwindling natural resources, "Pandorum" predicts that humans will be competing over what’s left on Earth in only 150 years. Also offered is a solution to the problem….
Up-and-coming bands to rock out in Syracuse
Portugal the Man, contrary to the name, is a band, not a man. They were formed in Wasilla, Alaska by singer/guitarist John Baldwin Gourey from the ashes of his previous project, "Anatomy of a Ghost." The current line-up of the…