God only wanted in times of trouble
If you ask someone if they believe in God, chances are the answer will be yes. Now ask that same person if they go to church on a regular basis. The chance of that person saying no is bigger than…
Summit stresses importance of digital communication
Media organizations have turned their gears toward the digital world, and if Wednesday’s Media Summit was any indication, all roads lead through Facebook. Touting the theme "Your GPS Directions to the Digital Media World," Oswego State held its fifth annual…
Universal health care third tier in government control
The health care debate continues as Obama and his administration are hell bent on taking over our medical system. They will not stop until there is socialized medicine in this country, regardless if the majority of Americans are against it-as…
Delivery drivers struggle with on-campus tipping
Turns out braving the harsh winter weather might not be the worst aspect that Oswego deliverymen have to endure. Oswego State students have earned a bad reputation among some city food joints of not appropriately tipping for on-campus food deliveries….
Price Chopper new home for comfort
Everyone has that special place that they go to when they’ve had a bad day. The one place where, no matter how terrible of a mood you’re in, just going there makes you feel better. At home, that place for…
Conservatives absurd about universal health care
America needs health care reform. Around 20 percent of our nation’s citizens are uninsured. In a nation that loudly boasts the title of "most advanced," this is inexcusable. A nation whose citizens are condemned to die based on financial status…
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor: This semester we have had the privilege of doing two work orders for SAVAC. We just felt compelled to write this so that these men and women would get the recognition that they so well deserve. We…
For elevators, problems rising Students continue to play waiting game as malfunctions persist
Forget grid lock, students on West Campus are becoming wary of a new delay: out-of-service elevators. John Moore, director of engineering and sustainability at Oswego State, said the number one reason for elevator malfunction is vandalism from students. These acts…
Program to let freshmen view mid-semester grades Goal to help target students at risk of failing
The Student Retention Committee has put a pilot program into motion to help keep students at Oswego State. The committee, which began as a retention task force by faculty assembly, evolved into the student retention committee in November 2008 as…
Maloney to reimburse S.A. for charges
Criminal charges will not be pursued against a former WNYO sports director who racked up over $460 in unapproved charges on a Student Association credit card. Ryan Maloney, 26, used an S.A. gas card to during the months of June…