The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Sep. 27, 2024


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Archives Laker Review

Assassin’s Creed 2

"Assassin’s Creed 2," developed by Ubisoft, has players assume the role of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, an assassin during the Italian renaissance. Venice, Rome, and Florence will be the main cities for players to explore and complete missions for various…

Archives News

Sustainability Academy begins discussion series

The Student Sustainability Academy (SSA) kicked off its sustainability discussion series Wednesday, covering topics from carbon footprints to sustainable lifestyles. Open to the campus community, SSA follows a discussion booklet put together by the Northwest Earth Institute. These topics range…

Archives Laker Review

‘Tranzitional’ times for local musician

Oswego State senior Dahl Todd is the mastermind behind this solo project. Most of his work is classified as tranz, instead of techno. Tranz uses more vocals and is a slower pace than techno. Todd has developed six albums over…


Activity fee vote could jeopardize organizations

The upcoming student vote over whether to continue making the Student Activity Fee mandatory may negatively impact all organizations on Oswego State’s campus if it is struck down. Every two years, the Student Association (S.A.) holds a vote on whether…

Archives Opinion

In The Office – Cheer up, don’t let college perils get you down

We have passed the midterm hump of the semester and with our glorious winter break end in sight, I would like to use this space to make a few notes about something I think a lot of us disregard or…

Archives News

Rare mammal makes return to Oswego

Somewhere in Oswego County a fisher is stirring, and Lucina Hernandez has the pictures to prove it. That’s news, because the mammal hasn’t been seen in the area for decades. Hernandez, the director of Oswego State’s Rice Creek Field Station,…

Archives Laker Review

New Super Mario

Nintendo doesn’t deviate too much from the classic Mario platformer in "New Super Mario Bros. Wii." The goal is the same as it’s been since the beginning: kill enemies and get coins while striving toward the castle to rescue the…

Archives News

Activity fee vote could jeopardize organizations

The upcoming student vote over whether to continue making the Student Activity Fee mandatory may negatively impact all organizations on Oswego State’s campus if it is struck down. Every two years, the Student Association (S.A.) holds a vote on whether…

Archives Opinion

Obama detractors quick to play Socialist card?

Glenn Beck has insisted upon it and protesters have shouted it: Americans hate socialism. At least, those Americans, including the man himself, capable of believing a word Glenn Beck says, hate socialism. Beck and his cohorts at Fox News, accompanied…

Archives Laker Review

Oswego gets taste of Indian scrolls

Art exhibit "Picture Scrolls from India" made its way to Oswego State on Friday, Jan. 29. Dr. Geraldine Forbes of the history department and scholar of India presented the scrolls she’s collecting for 30 years. The scrolls are Bengali narrative…