The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Oct. 2, 2024


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Positive mindset lifts Lakers over Brockport in important SUNYAC matchup

The Oswego State women’s soccer has worked hard to win important games recently. With a record of 5-2-1, the women’s play style and attitude has seemed to only improve ever since they lost 4-1 against Hamilton College on Sept. 13….

Oswego State field hockey suffers second straight loss

The Oswego State Lakers field hockey team started off the year red hot notching win after win to begin the season of play. They suffered their first loss on the Sept. 17 losing to St. Lawrence University in a defensively…

Oswego State men’s soccer running out of time after slow start

 The Oswego State men’s soccer team had a tough two-game stretch this past week when they faced conference opponents SUNY Fredonia and SUNY Brockport. The match on Sept. 17 ended in a 1-1 draw, with both goals scored in the…


Halloween should be celebrated throughout fall

Since I was a kid, it has always been a tradition to decorate for Christmas on either Thanksgiving or Black Friday, a custom which many other people may also take part in. For others, like my housemates, the day after…


Americans overworked, need more time off

American culture worships a model of overworking. We admire and give high praise to those who work the hardest to an extent that is undeniably unhealthy.  Working at the level that Americans praise is completely unsustainable for the duration of…

Volleyball sweeps Oswego Invitational, sign of improvement under head coach

     The Oswego State Volleyball team finally returned home this past weekend for their annual Oswego State Invitational.       The Lakers felt the home court advantage, going a perfect 4-0 and improving their season record to 8-6. The…

Option to unionize beneficial to minor league baseball

Minor league baseball players finally get the positive development they have been waiting for, the ability to unionize. For years, players on minor league teams have been given the short straw, being left to fend for themselves. With low wages,…

City of Oswego annual Porchfest returns

The streets of Oswego were lined with local musicians and hundreds of listeners during the seventh annual Porchfest celebration on Sept. 18. A total of 44 different acts played in front of the porches of Oswego homes from 12 p.m….

FC Barcelona must face punishment

FC Barcelona have spent over $150 million in transfers this summer. The staggering number is not the issue here. The problem is that the Spanish giants spent this much money while being in over $1 billion in debt. In the…

Opinion Staff Editorial

Bathroom classifications simply ridiculous

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about bathrooms. Maybe there have always been these conversations but I was probably too young to understand or pay attention.  The discussions about bathrooms that interest me the most, though,…