Supporting Equality
As many already know October 11th will mark the twenty-first anniversary of National Coming Out Day. In honor of this day, Oswego State’s Rainbow Alliance is distributing T-shirts to all students who want to show their support. The shirts will…
America not really number one
You know the phrase, America: We’re Number One. Stephen Colbert shouts it all the time on his show to get his crowd into a frenzy. It was a criticism brought against Obama during the campaign when he said he wanted…
Shortie Says
Shortie,I think my roommate is being abused by her boyfriend. She has bruises that she tries to hide and I’ve heard him say some mean things to her. He doesn’t like it when she hangs out with her friends and…
Final cut could be new beginning
As many of you know, Roman Polanski, the legendary director whose masterpieces include "Rosemary’s Baby" and "Chinatown," was arrested a couple of weeks ago in Zurich, Switzerland for a 32-year-old statutory rape charge. Polanski was accused of drugging a 13-year-old…
In The Office – Oswego music access doesn’t exactly rock
There are about three things in this world that keep me from running out west and working as a migrant worker: my job at The Oswegonian; friends and family; and music. Since the first two will incessantly let me know…
Affirmative action not always wise
When interviewing candidates for a job, employers ideally look at the candidate’s qualities that might help him or her be successful with the prospective job. With that said, affirmative action calls for employers to take race, ethnicity and gender into…
Obama bending the truth?
I believe that one thing we as Americans can agree on is that we need our leaders to be honest and trustworthy citizens, and we could expect that our President be the most truthful, correct? Well, you may be a…
America lost moral ground
Frankly, we never had it. This obsession with pretending that we know better than other countries has pushed me over the edge. Where do we get the gall to think this? Let’s see what some people believe. First, that homosexuals…
Beauty gets ridiculous
Over a year ago, a close friend introduced me to the poetic stylings of Rafael Casal and his poem entitled "Barbie and Ken 101." It speaks about media and how it has put this idea in the mind of women…
In The Office – Pessimist converts to sunnier side of Oswego
While driving across campus the other day, something hit me. Pretty hard too. It was something that, despite going through campus hundreds of times, never actually struck me like this before. No, I’m not talking about another car. Or a…