The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Jan. 31, 2025

Campus News

Bench Press Competition to challenge strength, encourage students

Muscle and willpower will be put to the test on Feb. 24 during Campus Recreation’s Bench Press Competition, where participants will compete against each other for prizes and trophies.  The competition, which will be held in Swetman Gym beginning at…

Oz Equity Challenge allows students to question bias

The 2023 Oz Equity Challenge, an annual event which allows students to examine bias and diversity, has begun. This year’s challenge encourages the campus community to read articles and watch videos about topics like cultural humility, social identity and implicit…

Darrah Carr Dance to bring Irish dance back to SUNY Oswego on Feb. 17

“Friday is going to be a super exciting day,” Lowell Hutcheson, assistant director of arts programming, said.  Darrah Carr Dance will perform in Waterman Theatre on Feb. 17 at 7 p.m., a performance that Hutcheson thinks will be “really fun…

Ski and Snowboard Club to throw Rail Jam Feb. 17 despite mild winter, lack of snow  

Despite a mild winter, Oswego students will get a chance to ski and snowboard right on campus on Feb. 17 as part of the annual Rail Jam event being held outside Marano Campus Center from 1 to 4 p.m.  The…

Penfield Loves You Day lets Library give back

Penfield Library hosted its traditional “Penfield Loves You Day” on Valentine’s Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Penfield Loves You Day” is open to all students and ensures that those passing through feel loved on the holiday. The event…

Outages in Cooper, Hart, Funnelle affect students

Surprise struck central campus last on Feb. 10 when an email was sent out alerting students and faculty that there had been a water main break outside of Funnelle Hall that morning. The break was unexpected and had some less-than-ideal…

Jewish Life club reflects on removal of holidays

SUNY Oswego is the latest member of the SUNY system to remove observance of Jewish holidays from its calendar after allotting a one week break to Thanksgiving this year.  The reasoning behind this change has been stated in vague language,…

Vote Oswego talks elections

SUNY Oswego has encouraged students to not only register to vote but also go to the polls and fill out absentee ballots for the 2022 midterm election. Vote Oswego is a campaign run during election years that reaches out to…

Campus News News

Thanksgiving break travel preparations

Thanksgiving break is nearly two weeks away and SUNY Oswego is helping students prepare for transportation and housing plans.  The campus dorms will close on Nov. 19 at 10 a.m and reopen on Nov. 27 at 12 p.m. Students who…

“After Ashley” premieres Nov. 9 through Nov. 13

 “After Ashley,” a play student directed by senior Nicholas Sweet, will begin performances on Nov. 9 through Nov. 13.    Sweet majors in theatre and cinema and screen studies with a minor in creative writing. In April, Sweet applied to…