Campus gives opinions on Flat Rocks party
This past summer the City of Oswego held its 26th annual Harborfest. The weekend full of fun activities for families and residents was also a huge social event for Oswego State students. During Harborfest a party occurred at the Flat…
Reactions to on campus smoking policy
This year Oswego State changed its smoking policy. Smokers will now have to stand 25 feet away from buildings to smoke instead of 20 feet. Next year however, Oswego State will become a smokeless campus. There have been some mixed…
Handguns Punk-rock Show Review
A punk-rock show presented by WNYO on April 14 allowed Oswego State students the opportunity to experience a form of music that is not often offered on campus. Although the station has presented concerts before, they rarely had artists that…
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel Review
“Army of Two” has already established itself over the last couple of years with two decent title releases, but has failed to take over the third-person shooter market. With this third entry in the franchise, the game brings us two…
The Vagina Monologues
Oswego’s Women’s Health Center put on their version of the award winning play “The Vagina Monologues,” on April 12, in the Hewitt Union Ballroom. The play is a collaboration of V-Day founder Eve Ensler’s interviews with over 200 women about…
Professors should better utilize Angel
One of the most promising signs for the outlook of a semester, at least academically, is a full courses tab on your Angel page a few weeks before the semester begins. Seeing multiple courses loaded up onto Angel before you’ve…
New rule for spelling bee is bad idea
I remember the opportunity to participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee all too well. I was in third grade when two other classmates and I were taken into the hallway during recess, where we were told that we had…
Take a video tour of Shineman
Oswego State opened their new academic building, the Richard S. Shineman Center for Science, Engineering, and Innovation for the Fall 2013 semester. Take the virtual tour of some of the new facilities that faculty and students will have the opportunity…
Laker PR to host Singe the Binge kickball tournament
The Lifestyles Center, in conjunction paired with Laker Public Relations, which was formed as part of a PR capstone class, is holding a “Singe-The-Binge” kickball tournament. The tournament will be taking place on Saturday, May 4 from 8-10 p.m. in…