Resident Evil
"Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles," developed by Capcom, sticks with the railed, arcade shooter style of the previous iteration, "Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles." There are, however, several new improvements that give it it’s own unique flavor. Players will recognize…
Peter Jackson is Lord of the Bones
Peter Jackson’s newest film, "The Lovely Bones," captivates audiences in a way unlike his previous films ("Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"). He conveys emotion with stunning computer-generated imagery (CGI) and an amazing cast. "The Lovely Bones,"…
The Saboteur
While there have been too many WWII games to count, "The Saboteur" seeks to break the mold. Developed by Pandemic Studios, "The Saboteur" has players assume the role of Sean Devlin, an Irish mechanic who attempts to stop the Nazi…
Annual exhibition shows off student art
Oswego State’s Art Department hosted it’s 47th Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition Jan. 29 in the Tyler Hall Art Gallery. The show featured the artwork of students across all majors and every choice of media. Works included everything from ceramics…
Dance on with a ‘pretty good’ band
Pretty Good Dance Moves is an electropop band similar to Postal Service and Sally Shapiro. The band was formed in 2007 when Jimmy Gianopolis and Aaron Allieta were bartending together in Chicago. I had a chance to talk with Gianopolis…
Oswego theatre sheds ‘blood’
The horrific story of Lizzie Borden will come to life as "Blood Relations" comes to Oswego State. In Aug. 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were found murdered in their home in Fall River, Mass., with several blows from a hatchet…
Left 4 Dead 2
Killing zombies is always a fun thing, as Valve Corporation knows with its release of "Left 4 Dead 2." Similar to the prequal, players must work together with up to three friends or AI partners to combat the zombie apocalypse….
Dialing in with the Digits
I caught up with the Toronto Native and indie/electronic musician Alt Altman a.k.a. Digits to discuss his critically acclaimed album "Hold It Close," his origins as a musician and his plans for the new year. Q: When did you first…
Disney adds new dimension to Christmas classics
Disney proves once again that they are at the top of their field in holiday movies with "A Christmas Carol," written and directed by Robert Zemeckis ("The Polar Express"). "A Christmas Carol " tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a…
Hop to the beats of Echo and the Bunnymen
Echo and the Bunnymen, a band known for their soulful and chilling post punk/neo psychedelic rock are set to release their 10th studio album entitled "The Fountain" on Tuesday, Nov. 10. The album is the 11th studio album collaboration between…