Breaking the bank
Oswego State students will be paying $100 extra in tuition next year. The increase stems from a decision of the State University of New York’s Board of Trustees, the group responsible for setting SUNY-wide policy. On Nov. 10, they called…
Cortland sweeps volleyball in season finale
In the world of college sports rebuilding is the hardest thing to do. The Oswego State volleyball team this is no exception. In a season where the Lakers had 11 underclassmen and only one senior, it would prove to be…
Murder in the theatre
It’s a story you’ve probably heard a thousand times before. Girl meets girl. Girl falls in love with girl. Girl tells lover the story of how she brutally murdered her parents with a garden implement. Okay, so maybe not, but…
Faculty, administrators stay prepared for swine flu
Professors at Oswego State are prepared to deal with the advancing threat of the swine flu, despite that fact that not many professors have become ill with the flu thus far. Richard Skolnik, dean of Oswego State’s School of Business,…
‘May Term’ to help students obtain late credits
A new session of classes has been added to supplement Oswego State’s Summer Session. May Term, which will premiere as a pilot this spring, is a two-week session of classes that starts after graduation and concludes during the first week…
Officials re-examine impacted majors
Officials will soon undergo a process to update which majors the college classifies as impacted, Rameen Mohammadi, associate provost said. A major is classified as impacted if the amount of students enrolled in the program exceeds the number of faculty…
Trowbridge defines poetic comedy
Dark comedy poet, William Trowbridge, visited the Oswego State campus on Nov. 16 to talk to students about humor in poetry and the importance it serves in writing. Trowbridge, a slender man with gray hair, covered mostly by a red…
He Said – 10/23/09
A lot of people have come up to me about this subject. Why is it that when a guy has multiple partners, he is regarded as a god when if a girl does it she’s a slut? Personally I think…
Health center struggling to keep pace with sick notes
Officials at Mary Walker are fighting a two-front war against the flu, with nurses trying to help students overcome by illness just to remain hampered by professors’ requests for students to obtain written documentation of their illness. "The fact is…
She Said – 10/23/09
We all have heard about this double standard. Guys are considered cooler if they hook up with more girls and girls are thought to be well, sluts. So why is this double standard acceptable in our society? Personally, I think…