The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Michael Reilly

Cuomo prescribes ineffective treatment for opioid crisis

The opioid epidemic in this country has claimed the lives of enough people already. Now it is time to put a stop to the frequent abuse of perscription painkillers. Due to the unfortunate opioid crisis throughout the country, New York…

Special delivery: Amazon Key allows access in front door

It seems we can only go so long without Amazon releasing a new product or service. The most recent addition to the company’s ever-growing arsenal is the Amazon Key, a product available exclusively to Amazon Prime members. The purpose of…

There is always enough to money for savings

According to an article published by Yahoo Finance, “About 57 million Americans have no emergency savings.” Some may have thought Americans around ages 18-24 would be in the worst shape, but, to much surprise, actually Americans ages 53-62 are the…

New takes on old stories in ‘Secret History of Comics’

With all of the big-budget superhero movies viewers have been treated to for the past decade, it can be easy to forget that all these heroes started out in comic books. The network known for legendary drama series such as…

Inefficient class registration process back for spring semester

With the month of November beginning, many students have already started thinking about next semester. Of course, the reason for this is that registration for courses offered during the spring 2018 semester has begun. For many students, registration season is…

Campus construction conundrum

Driving around campus is becoming quite the challenge for both students and employees of Oswego State. It is nearly impossible to avoid the construction being done along Route 104 in front of the campus’s main entrance. The purpose of the…

Fever Ray takes ‘Plunge’ into strange musical territory

Rating: 1/5 stars After an eight-year break, Swedish singer Karin Dreijer Andersson, who performs under the alias “Fever Ray,” has finally released another album titled, “Plunge.” The 42-year-old musician, who was formerly the lead vocalist and guitarist for the ’90s…

Side hustle to success

Making money is something not only everyone wants to do but needs to do. Usually, this need is fulfilled by getting a job. However, for some, a job as their only source of income may not be enough. Many people…

‘Barstool Van Talk”s Legacy Will Live On Longer Than Its Time On-Air

Rating: 4.5 / 5 stars What will now be known as the one-episode wonder, “Barstool Van Talk,” a unique talk show, still did as much as it could to provide their viewers with quality content. The series, which made its…

Quick print” service can cause headaches between classes

During the week, many students have busy schedules that do not allow time for dillydallying. Unfortunately, the quick print station in the Penfield Library is a loitering hot spot. It is no secret to any student at college that dealing…