The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Derek Smith

Pompeo finally labels Assange, Wikileaks hostile intel actors

Julian Assange’s public image is quickly shifting from benevolent vigilante to partisan cyber pest. CIA director Mike Pompeo agrees. Pompeo, newly appointed director of the world’s most powerful and sophisticated intelligence apparatus, recently labeled Assange’s website, Wikileaks “a non-state hostile…

Truth comes from educated debates

Iowa State Senator Mark Chelgren recently introduced a bill that would require universities in Iowa to implement a hiring freeze to balance the number of conservative and liberal professors on campus.  “Radical Liberal professors indoctrinating our youth” has long been a gripe…

Awareness significant for help

While sexual assault is always deserving of attention, it is worth reinforcing the significance of Title IX during the month of April which is sexual assault awareness month. Title IX is often portrayed as just another antiquated federal law that…

New program benefits drug users

Fear of punishment is a large factor keeping opiate addicts in the shadows instead of coming forward for help. Oswego City Mayor Billy Barlow recently announced a new drug policy called the Rapid Evaluation for Appropriate Placement Program, or REAP,…


Show gratitude toward Clinton for moving feminism forward

Since she lost the U.S. presidential election in 2016, Hillary Clinton will forever be synonymous with a failed, unlikable politician who wore fake smiles to state fairs, only to lose to the ridiculous blowhard who was equally unlikable.  Once the…

Broken elevators not big problem, plan ahead or take stairs instead

Many students who have lived in a dorm know the feeling; just out of lunch with only 10 minutes to get to class, but you forgot something on the fifth, eighth or maybe the 10th floor. So you wait patiently…

Trump makes reasonable selection

Judge Neil Gorsuch of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has been nominated by President Donald Trump to fill the late Antonin Scalia’s and Merrick Garland’s stolen Supreme Court seat. Finally, a white, male, Harvard Law School graduate will…

Conservatives lack knowledge on how to replace ObamaCare

“Repeal and replace Obamacare” has been the conservative rallying cry since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010.  Democrats in Washington, D.C., have been losing Congressional seats in elections off of this “promise” alone. Republicans in Congress…

Make sure trending stories are real

“Trump Supporter Stabbed by 21-Year-Old Black Man,” “Pope Francis Endorses Bernie Sanders for President,” everyone knows the headlines.  This sort of “fake news” headlines flooding Facebook newsfeeds have come under close scrutiny recently for their influence on this year’s election. …

People should support officers, but hold them accountable

In the wake of many fatal police shootings and widespread protests from Black Lives Matter and other groups, anti-police brutality activism has been portrayed as “anti-police.” This characterization of Black Lives Matter is thoroughly misguided and in fact intensities the…