The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 16, 2025

Carson Metcalf

Archives Campus News News

Children’s writer Bruce Coville gives life advice in Quest keynote speech

Bruce Coville, best-selling author, stepped away from his usual writing persona during his Quest day speech on Wednesday to discuss reality and the influence an individual can have each day. “It’s a great honor,” Coville, a 1973 graduate of Oswego…

Archives Campus News News

Heartbleed computer bug compromises privacy

A critical hole was found in the coding of the Internet’s iron wall, potentially causing security breaches for millions of websites. This hole has been named the Heartbleed bug and affects websites using OpenSSL to protect their encrypted data like…

Archives News

Despite recent spate of shutdowns, nuclear facilities deemed safe by NRC

The commercial nuclear reactor industry safety in the United States improved overall in 2013, according to an annual report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, despite 10 incidents that occurred throughout the country. The report states that these incidents mainly…

Archives Campus News News

CTS advises students on avoiding phishing scams

Early this semester, Oswego State students were targeted in an online phishing scam. The scammers posed as Campus Technology Services employees, sending an email to an undisclosed number of students. The well-presented email stated the recipient’s Lakernet account had been…

Archives Campus News News

PRSSA asks students ‘What’s Next?’

Public relations majors came together Monday in Lanigan Hall to hear from professionals in the field. The theme of this year’s event, called “What’s Next” and run by the Public Relations Society of America, was themed “Finding your Niche in…

Archives Campus News News

Registrar’s office, students give quick tips for registration

The Registrar’s Office at Oswego State is preparing for the fall 2014 registration season and students are encouraged to start preparing for it. Come the registration period which began on Monday, students attempting to register for classes could encounter many…

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This Week in SA

The Student Association senate met again Tuesday for the 49th Legislative Session. Neely Laufer, vice president of SA, led her second senate session of the term. There were 14 senators present, one a new addition to the senate. The minutes…

Archives Community News

War of 1812 Symposium held to remember historic battle

Chad Cook, senior and creative writing major at Oswego State, spent a month and half working on a twelve-page research paper and presentation for a vigorous panel of scholars. Cook wasn’t the only student who stood before the panel of…

Archives Community News

Three Oswego County school districts only in state to lose funds

Three school districts in Oswego County are the only schools in Central New York that will see decreases in state aid under New York’s budget this year. Altmar-Parish-Williamstown School District will see a decrease of 3.6 percent in state aid,…