Creative Writing
Only three minutes left. I take another bite of my blue raspberry popsicle…Brain freeze! My lips and tongue are blue. People might think I’m extremely cold…I could get sent down to the nurse, but who would want to go…
Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19): New challenges in your life may be tempting to try, but it may be smart to focus on tying up loose ends. You don’t want past mistakes to come back and haunt you. If…
Security cameras in residence halls to increase by about 75 total
The amount of security cameras with the residence halls at Oswego State is set to increase from about 15 to 90, as the result of an initiative by Residence Life and Housing. The initiative, part of a project known as…
Local, but leaving home
Students at Oswego State are nearing the completion of the residence and housing process that determines where they will be living for the 2014-15 academic year. For the fall 2013 semester, 60.7 percent of undergraduate students lived on campus. The…
Policy regarding racial incidents questioned following controversy
An off-campus incident involving a student wearing blackface left many Oswego State students upset over the manner in which the school handles racially sensitive issues. After the incident, which occurred in March, the administration sent out an email saying that…
School names Extended Learning dean
Oswego State has selected a new dean of Extended Learning to oversee the program specialized for part-time students and working adults. Jill Pippin joins Oswego State after working for Jefferson Community College in Watertown. Pippin was a member of the…
Ethnic hair creates cottage industry
Despite having a dynamic population at Oswego State, students in the underrepresented groups remain limited in resources for their hair and appearance – on and off campus. The freshman class of 2013 at Oswego State enrolled 1,400 students, and 71 percent of…
Students launch online writing community
A newly-launched website is hoping to create a home for students studying creative writing, cinema and screen studies and journalism. The website, titled “The Hub,” was launched as part of a creative writing class called Literary Citizenship, taught by creative…
Two trucks crash into Oswego Federal Credit Union
A Centro truck driver collided with another vehicle before crashing into the Oswego County Federal Credit Union Monday morning, sending both drivers to Oswego Hospital for minor injuries. According to Oswego city police, the Centro Ford F-250 ran a red…