‘Marvel’s Daredevil’ violent, gritty portrayal of superheroics
Most people look visibly puzzled or just outright laugh when you mention Marvel Comics’ Daredevil as a character. He’s a blind lawyer by day who dresses like a crimson luchador and protects an ugly, irrelevant neighborhood by night. Hell,…
Fifth season of ‘Game of Thrones’ amps up intrigue, danger
The fifth season of Game of Thrones premiered April 12 at 9 p.m. with viewers glued to their TVs and computers anticipating another heartbreaking thrill ride of a season. The first episode, titled “The Wars To Come,” sets the tone…
End of an era imminent during final ‘Mad Men’ season
The first episodes of the final season, or eighth and ninth, if you want to get technical, of “Mad Men” are entitled “Severance” and “New Business,” respectively. Yet, in these mildly surreal, elegiac episodes nothing is really severed and old…
Eighth season of singing competition ‘The Voice’ heats up
From the beginning, the eighth season of “The Voice” has continued to heighten expectations. Spectacular auditions lent themselves to great battles and even better knockouts. Now, with only eight contestants left, it seems as though the top music competition will…
Creative Writing: A Happy Melancholia
Squeaking my sneakers out of the train station, I find the Colosseum above my eyes, a beautiful representation of the circle of life where many perished by blood, today camera flashes adorn its walls. They say that the Romans…
This week in Student Association of SUNY Oswego
The Student Association held its 20th meeting of the academic year Tuesday evening. The number of senators needed to make quorum was satisfied. The minutes from last meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were both approved. There were…
Chlamydia cases rise on campus
The number of chlamydia cases at Oswego State has increased in the past two years, according to the Mary Walker Health Center. Last year, 25 people tested positive for chlamydia. This year, there is a total of 35 reported cases….
More out-of-state students applying to Oswego State
With lower high school graduation rates in New York state, the Oswego State Admissions Office is reaching out to other states hoping to increase the number of out-of-state students. This upcoming fall semester has the potential for Oswego State to…
Collins-McNeil wins SA presidency, Nassir claims VP
Junior Christopher Collins-McNeil and sophomore Emily Nassir will be the next president and vice president in the Oswego State Student Association. Students voted online via LakerLife March 10 and 11. In total, 551 students voted. Collins-McNeil, who ran unopposed, received…
Renovations on Tyler Hall proceed into spring season
After a semester and-a-half of construction, the crane and fences around Tyler Hall have become a part of everyday life on the Oswego State campus. The inside of the partially rebuilt Tyler Hall feels far from familiar though. Already the…