The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Oswegonian staff debate Christmas lights colors


The holiday season’s most ubiquitous decorations are LED Christmas lights, and despite the typical red-green color scheme of Christmas, the best holiday lights are those of every color.

While white holiday lights add an elegant touch to already-refined holiday decor, they fail to meet the exuberant jubilance that is associated with the season. Christmas is associated with red and green, but this was not always so; modern holiday decorators’ penchant for white lights does not undo the holiday’s history of multihued decor and various associations with purple, gold, white and blue. These multifarious color-codings of the season allow one’s decorations to accent the hopefully-present snow, compared to white lights that only add to the dreary, blank atmosphere.

Aside from tradition, Christmas lights stem from Christmas’ other near-garish decorations that have since been forgone, like the almost-extinct tinsel and garlands of strung popcorn that once adorned Christmas trees everywhere. Such flashy decorations are proof that the holiday season, especially Christmas, has always featured relatively expansive decor.

The answer is thus clear: one should not limit their decor to the monochromatic white that is becoming seemingly more popular each year, and should embrace the potentially-garish, multifaceted and historically-congruent decorum of the holiday season by decorating their home in every hue of holiday lights available.

The holiday season is meant to be spent doing good unto others and spreading as much joy as possible. Do good unto yourself by decorating with multicolored Christmas lights and any color scheme you see fit, for you will be overjoyed that you did.

Image by Tim Mossholder via Pexels


  1. I don’t see how having every color is an issue I think it makes everything more beautiful if it’s an issue don’t look 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll decorate how I want with whatever colors I want don’t like it don’t come by my place lol. White is basic and over used I think it’s about time every color is used on Christmas it’s supposed to be bright and colorful.

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