The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Opinion Staff Editorial

Editor-in-Chief’s column: Sharing some good news amid all the bad

There is a lot going on right now. In the world, on campus, everywhere. It is definitely an interesting time to be a student journalist. Breaking news seems to be an hourly norm these days. 

My columns have been very news-centric lately, and while following and reporting are a huge part of my life, I wanted to try to balance out some of the crazy, hateful topics with some positive ones. So for all the regular news I write about this week, I will also discuss a good story as well. 

Life on campus has been quite interesting, to say the least, since the announcement of the visit of Cherise Trump on April 5. Before her scheduled speech, there was a student mediation session between leaders of many organizations on campus and the College Republicans, the club who brought her to Oswego. At Trump’s talk, tens of students protested with signs and marched through Marano Campus Center. For more information about these events, please visit the news stories that were published on our website, 

After the dust seemingly settled on this issue, a SUNY Oswego student posted on social media that he was being harassed, including being called slurs and being threatened. Later, the same student organized a protest against  “hate and discrimination on college campuses” and how administrations are not taking these types of concerns from students seriously. The march around campus is scheduled for April 14 at 2 p.m. and will be covered by an Oswegonian reporter. 

Not only do I not have the time to go over any national issues that have happened this week, I do not want to. There are so many laws being passed and protests being scheduled, it is exhausting and I am not even participating in or covering them. But, there is plenty of good news to be shared as well.

One story I read this week was about a moose who wandered into a hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. The moose, according to AP, simply walked through the automatic doors of the hospital and walked straight to the plants in the lobby. The moose has been seen around the hospital campus and was removed from the lobby without incident. 

Read the full story here.

The other good news story that stuck out to me this week was about a woman with long-COVID who was able to smell and taste coffee for the first time in over two years. The video of the patient sipping a cup of coffee went viral, as she was understandably very emotional. We do not talk about COVID-19 very much anymore, as I learned early on in my college career, “if it isn’t new, it isn’t news.” (Thank you Professor Loper for that catchy saying). This success story is a reminder that people are still struggling with this illness and that there are good things on the horizon for care and solutions to the long-term effects. 

Read the story and watch the video here.

If you are feeling bogged down with negative reports, remember that good news stories are out there if you seek them.