The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Local Opinion Top Stories

Dear Cherise Trump: You are wrong, here is why

If I saw you in person, I would  probably be frozen like a deer in headlights. You just appeared to speak on campus, as if, from thin air. I have never heard of you before and your last name is quite notorious at the moment. I must applaud your efforts of attending this campus to speak, however, your cause seems to be a losing one. How did you expect this to turn out? Did you anticipate a magical red wave sweeping through the Oswego community? Open ears and wide smiles? I did not. I’d like to think I know how these things work. 

There is a strong divisive atmosphere looming across all universities. I’ll give you that. 

As evident, protests occurred outside of Marano Campus Center’s atrium, where signs of various messages and natures were present in response to you. It is a day after your event at the time of writing, and I wonder if you asked yourself: Was it worth it? The time and effort put into a cause that is surely causing a lot, except for mutual understanding. I scanned your website, when it was announced that the College Republicans were bringing you to speak on campus.

Here are my opinions, not directed towards you as a person, but instead towards your beliefs.

Your cause is no better than any other cause when it comes to diversity or other social issues.  You are fighting a battle that you may win in some areas, but overall, your cause will crumble like a stale cookie. Figures in politics tend to utilize minorities as pawns. Everyone wants the minorities on their side as some sort of manipulative counter attack. Hello, Cherise, I am a real person and do not want to be diluted into some talking point regarding diversity.

I often wish to say to politicians or political commentators in general: Talk to me. Not at me. I hope others feel the same way. I hope the underrepresented populations are not just cherry-picked to further an argument on either side, but politics is not necessarily the nicest of occupations. It is exasperating when minorities are watered down to talking points or concepts. I am no one’s token or talking point, I am a woman, trying to navigate an increasingly scary world of divisiveness, uncertainty and blind hatred. 

I grew up in Brooklyn, and worked hard to get where I am to this institution which has aided me in countless ways. Why should I believe the things you say, when it sounds so monotonous and recycled? By the way, I feel the need to express that Critical Race Theory and similar concepts discussed on your Speech First website has never made me inclined to hate white people, a white person, my white peers, friends, professors and not even you-I am not a hateful person. 

I love SUNY Oswego and all of the people within it. I judge character, not identity. Your website discusses freshman orientations and lists specific universities and their presentations and nothing that extreme has occurred here at Oswego, not that I know of, anyway. Who was your intended audience? Students? Professors? The entire institution in general? All of us? Just leftists? 

I am not brainwashed, indoctrinated, nor do I hate America. Cherise, ironically, I think you forget that people can have various agreements and disagreements about a plethora of issues. Multiple things can be true at once and not every argument and debate is clear cut and dry. You and I are different. We look different. We come from different worlds, but that is precisely the beauty of America. I have never felt any hatred toward this country, why should I? Like the process of writing, America has yet to be improved time and time again. 

We are amazing in that we have opportunities to do so, yet we do seem to fall short. A lot. Conservatism, or whatever your causes align with, will not bring about a perfect world or turn the tides so easily. My life and purpose does not just disappear in the realm of higher education. I am here for a reason, you know, that classic American dream, that dream job, that sustainable life. No hatred there, sorry to break it to you. I aspire to live a better life, an inspirational one that is hopefully unifying. I am doing so through pursuing a higher education that is in no way shape or form will I come out as some mindless machine, I promise you that. 

You have convictions that clash against the very concepts SUNY Oswego states it supports. There is backlash towards you and towards the school itself. There are  statements of harassment circulating online from a student after your event. So I will ask again: Was it worth it? Did you think you left a positive impact on the SUNY Oswego community? Do you think students gained a positive or at least comprehensive insight or outlook on your causes and beliefs? Has anything really changed? 

I hope you take the time to read this, it is odd for me to be this open about anything you are concerned with. Consider it a rarity;I do not wish to attract swarms of attention and buzz like you intend to do

With the utmost respect, 

Heaven Santiago 

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