The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Jan. 20, 2025

Campus News News Top Stories

Bench Press Competition to challenge strength, encourage students

Muscle and willpower will be put to the test on Feb. 24 during Campus Recreation’s Bench Press Competition, where participants will compete against each other for prizes and trophies. 

The competition, which will be held in Swetman Gym beginning at 4 p.m., is open to any and all who would like to participate or cheer on participants. 

“It’s really just a celebration of fitness here on campus,” Ned LaDuca, a SUNY Oswego student and personal trainer, said. “It’s about getting people to come out and have a good time.”

Competitors will be divided into weight classes for fairness’ sake, with six men’s weight classes ranging from 148 pounds and under to 221 pounds and over and two women’s classes; one for those weighing 132 pounds and under, and one for those weighing 133 pounds and over. Each weight class will have a winner determined by the most weight pressed. 

LaDuca said that while the prospect of competition and comparison can be daunting, these weight classes help to keep things fair. 

“I feel like a lot of people are scared that they can’t lift as much, or that they’re going to make a fool of themselves. That’s really not the case,” LaDuca said. “When you go to the bench press competition and you get around the people in your weight class, you’ll find that you might be a lot stronger than you think.”

Despite the label of competition and the winners’ prizes, LaDuca said that the point of the event was to encourage and celebrate fitness above all. 

“No one’s going to make you feel bad if you don’t lift as much as the next person. Everyone’s just going to be happy that you came out and participated,” LaDuca said. “The vibe in the weight rooms and any of the recreational facilities on campus right now is ‘everybody’s welcome.’ There’s no judgment being passed.”

Trainers like LaDuca as well as other Campus Recreation staff will be present at the event to offer advice, help participants and inform those attending about other Campus Recreation services and events.

LaDuca said he hopes this event will get more students interested and involved in exercise and weightlifting, stressing the importance of activity and fitness for college students amid their schedules and work.

“These days can get long, and you might go a couple of days without feeling like you’ve accomplished anything,” said LaDuca. “Going to the gym and doing something for 15 minutes, a half-hour or an hour, you can walk out with that feeling of accomplishment and that’s going to translate into whatever else you have to do that day.”

For those who have not already registered at one of the fitness centers on campus, there will be on-site registration in Swetman Gym immediately before the event begins. There will be free food and drink for participants and attendants and the first 50 students to register will receive a T-shirt. For more information on Campus Recreation and their events, visit their page at 

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