The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Season brings opportunity to enjoy fall flavors

The fall season has officially begun! Now that it is the end of September, this time of year brings on many things such as comfy sweaters, apple picking, cooler weather and pumpkin spice everything. There is everything from pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin muffins to pumpkin spice chips and pumpkin spice spam.

Not everyone loves this flavor but it is a staple of the season. Dunkin’ and Starbucks come out with their signature pumpkin drinks and menu items at the end of August before fall even officially starts. This is something that not everyone likes. It can be considered too early.

Fall is considered to be from Sept. 1 to Nov. 30. This is a pretty long period of time to participate in fall activities if that is what you choose to do. Some people even start the fall season at the end of August to go along with Dunkin’ and Starbucks releasing their fall items.

Fall should be celebrated starting early in August along with releasing pumpkin spice items that early. There are so many things to do in the fall. You can go to a corn maze, watch a football game or jump in a pile of leaves. You can go to a pumpkin patch or a fall festival and drink apple cider and donuts. 

Pumpkin spice and other pupkin items are really good. Some companies take it too far, like with the chips and spam. But a nice pumpkin donut or coffee is a nice way to start off the fall season. The question is are pumpkin items being released too early? 

People complaining about the season and pumpkin spice being released too early is not going to change anything. It will probably continue to happen around the same time every single year, so why not enjoy it?

When summer is winding down and coming to an end, students are going back to school and getting back into the grind of things. Why not welcome the school year and the fall season with those fall tastes that many people enjoy?

Even though fall is pretty long, it is a pretty short amount of time during the year to get pumpkin flavored treats. Pretty soon the Christmas season will be here and fall will be over. For those who wait all year for fall flavors to return, the season does not seem to last long enough!

Pumpkin items are delicious and the amount of time in which they are available does not need to be changed. It is not too early in the fall season. If someone does not like pumpkin things they simply do not need to buy it.

There are always going to be people who do not enjoy or appreciate parts of the season. Pumpkin ushers in falling leaves, cool temperatures and winter coming around the corner. It is nice to slow down and enjoy the season and enjoy a pumpkin donut or pumpkin coffee and enjoy all that the fall season has to offer. People might think it signals an end to summer and makes some think of what is yet to come on the horizon.