The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Opinion Staff Editorial Top Stories

The Editor-in-Chief’s column: Final paper in charge means time to reminiscence

By Brandon Ladd

This is my last week in charge, it seems bizarre to think about. College has been a marathon and a sprint at the same time. 

I have always described running a newspaper as a 400-meter dash that just kept repeating itself. This seems like a fair way to describe life at SUNY Oswego as well. Just a series of dashes, catching my breath and then starting the sprint again at full speed. It was a thrill, one I never thought I would have the closure to end. But I think I finally have it. 

I will be living in Syracuse by the time next semester comes for students here on the bank of Lake Ontario. My goal and plan for the past three years has come to fruition. It was surreal knowing that the pieces fell together and I landed my job in news producing. In a city that always captured my attention only 45 minutes away.

I also reflected on what this whole newspaper process at the Oswegonian has meant to me. This week I went back and forth about if it was worth it and what I learned from my year as a writer, year as sports editor and year as editor-in-chief. This 20-page weekly publication requires a small army to publish and be successful. The amount of effort from each writer, staff member, copy editor, editor, managing editor and me from the top each week was heavy and immense. You start with nothing and finish with a product that is not easy to match. Then press delete and do it again. 

The Oswegonian taught me to be myself as a leader, despite most thinking that being a leader is some formula and procedure to follow. This I found is not the case and the more I was myself, the better things were going. 

The best part of my time at the Oswegonian though is something I never thought of when I joined years ago. I met my girlfriend at the club and was fortunate enough to have her support throughout my senior year. She kept me going when I thought I could not go any further. I look forward to seeing us grow and what the future holds. If it is together or apart, I know that this year has grown us into people we are proud of and that is where I am most joyful. 

The staff was special this year and held us to a high standard each week. They worked without complaint and understood their roles. The growth of the staff was amazing to see, as our pace and quality of work kept reaching new records, week after week. That stuff is all that matters, that the staff was able to learn from this experience and grow as individuals going forward. 

Another sight for sore eyes this year was our office space. The space that allowed for the staff to become friends and socialize. Many started spending time there, even when they were just doing regular school work. Coming off of COVID-19, it was nice to see the office space be a healthy, productive and social space. 

That is my story of a year well done for the club. The incoming Editor-in-Chief Annika Wickham will be in charge next week and write this column going forward. I hope I passed the torch with a large enough flame. Regardless, she will do amazing things and I am excited to watch from afar. 

Photo by Brandon Ladd