The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

National Issues Opinion Top Stories

Democrat bill absurd waste of funds

The Democrats $3.5 trillion spending bill is a bunch of bad ideas that are ready to fail.

Democrats in the House recently passed the $3.5 trillion spending bill.  The bill consists of many bad ideas.  Even if the bill does end up getting shrunk in terms of its price, it is still filled with awful proposals.  There are better alternatives to everything listed in this reconciliation bill and no one wants to come up with other options to these bad ideas.  

The bill consists of making pre-kindergarten and community college free.  This is a very bad idea because it will cost a lot for taxpayers to pay for it.  Second, why should community college and pre-K be free at all?  You must pay for colleges and schools.  Making education free is going to backfire quickly.  The proposal for free community college and pre-K includes people who came to this country illegally which is another problem.  

A better solution to this issue would be to reduce the cost of community college so that everyone can afford it rather than make that education free.   

The reckless spending bill is at an incredibly high price tag that ignores the president’s fault for the increasing national debt and inflation.  At what point do the Democrats realize that they can not keep spending a bucket-load of money on our economy when our national debt and inflation continue to rise.  According to the American Enterprise Institute, Presiden Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill could increase the national debt in the future by $3.9 trillion by adding $2.1 trillion to the national debt.  There must be solutions to reducing the national debt and not increasing it even more.  If Biden and his administration cannot find a way to solve the national debt and inflation crisis then there might be no turning back on these issues for a very long time.  

In the bill as well, there is a provision that will increase spending to the IRS for $80 million.  This is another bad idea because it would most likely target small business owners who are wealthy.  It would also raise taxes for people making more than $400,000 per year.  We should not be raising taxes for working families or for anyone in general because if we continue to raise taxes on people then our debt will get way more out of control.  

Even if Biden’s Build Back Better Plan had come at a lower price tag, it still has so many bad ideas in it.  If Biden wants to find solutions to help American citizens, then his goal in his and his party’s bill should be about lowering taxes and reducing the costs of certain things.  In my opinion, Biden should be governing from a conservative side even though he is a Democrat, our economy would do better under a Republican.

Image from Flickr