The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Oct. 11, 2024


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In the Office Opinion

Victims of crimes deserve closure

On Feb. 24, Harvey Weinstein became a convicted sex offender in New York State. After all of the long trials, the photos of him slowly walking into court with his cane, the “I’m innocent” pleas and the stressful stories that the victims had to play over and over in their heads, Weinstein has been convicted. He was found guilty of a criminal sex act in the first degree and rape in the third degree, but was acquitted on the other charges, which were larger and more serious.

Throughout the trial, Weinstein kept pleading on how he was innocent and how all of the sexual acts he performed with women were consensual, because they wanted to “further their career.” There were more than 80 women who accused Weinstein of sexual assault and the man still sat in court saying that he was not guilty. 

So, now what? Weinstein was charged and America still waits on his sentencing. He could serve up to 29 years in prison all together, but this does not include the trial that awaits him in Los Angeles. I have read many articles that say this is a win for feminists everywhere, and for the #MeToo movement, but I do not buy it. 

Weinstein was acquitted of the harshest charges of sexual assault and rape that were brought upon him. Yes, it is still a win that he was charged in general because looking at our criminal justice system’s history, it has a track record of letting rich, powerful white men get away with crimes. However, with the piles of accusations and evidence against him, should he not be serving the rest of his life in prison? 

Charges of sexual assault and rape are not something that the criminal justice system takes seriously. They do not take into account what these victims have to put themselves through during the trials, putting their name and face out in the world and in the media. Especially when it comes to someone as famous as Harvey Weinstein. 

This should feel like a win, but it still feels like he got away with something. He got away with ruining lives. He got away with making women feel uncomfortable and unsafe in their own skin for years. With the amount of charges he has on him, he should spend the rest of his short life in prison. It still feels like he won. 

There are still charges he must face in Los Angeles, and hopefully those punishments will be more severe. But for now, it feels like these women were denied justice. Just because Weinstein is rich, white and famous does not mean he should not have to face the full extent of what he has done. These women deserve better.