The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 2, 2025

National Issues Opinion

America deserves consistent president

The primary election in the United States was created to select a candidate who will run against the incumbent president. Typically, this presidential candidate is supposed to be the good against whatever evil may be in office. For example, if the reason a lot of people do not like President Trump is because he is unreliable and lies about his politics, then the person the voters end up electing should represent the opposite of those values. The candidate should be consistent in his or her beliefs, ideally. However, growth is part of the human experience and people should learn from their mistakes. Part of how people learn from their mistakes is by accepting the mistakes they made in the past and trying to learn from them.

Joe Biden backtracked on his beliefs on social security. Previously, he stated that he thinks social security needs cuts in funding. He changed his mind recently. This is not necessarily the problem. The problem lies in Biden lying about his record. He stated that he has always supported social security funding which simply is not the case. 

In the case of Elizabeth Warren, things are different. She was raised as a republican, and after graduating high school realized she was, in fact, a democrat. There is no problem with flipping political parties, especially if the person was not previously exposed to people of the opposite party. If someone asked her if she had voted republican or identified as a republican in the past and she had answered no, that is when an issue would arise. 

The American population deserves a candidate who does not lie to the people, especially on something as serious as policies. The primaries have become a popularity contest where politicians manipulate the public into thinking they are the coolest candidate. Biden is most likely hearing that people think Bernie Sanders is consistent and has fought for civil rights and LGBTQ+ rights since day one and feels envious that he cannot say the same. Biden needs to realize that people can grow and change and there is no shame in that. 

Switching beliefs in today’s political climate is only a tool used to fit in. Chances are that some candidates might not actually believe what they are saying. If the statement is what is “hip” among liberal voters, they may just be trying to garner votes. This is partially what the problem is with our political system. When the reason candidates are running for president is to win, no matter how their values may be compromised, they do not actually show the future they see for the nation. 

Becoming president is not like winning a fashion show or being famous on YouTube. It should be about actively making change to the community. Changing beliefs to stay relevant and get votes is immature and unpatriotic. Candidates must tell the American people how they really feel, then if they get no votes, they deserve no votes. 

Photo from Pete For America via Flickr


  1. The reason for democrats lying about the records is because the party has moved so far to the left that even Barack Obama would not get the nomination today.
    Consider this: Obama supported (and gave speeches you can watch on YouTube ) the building of a wall on the Mexico border; he supported the position that marriage should only be between a man and a woman; he promised that with Obamacare you could keep your doctor or insurance plan if you liked them.
    These previous positions in today’s Democrat party would knock him out of the race. Every candidate is endorsing policies so far to the left of where they have historically been because that’s the only way to stay in the race.
    The only person on the stage who has been totally consistent over his career is Bernie Sanders. So the moral of the story is, if you are looking to vote for the most consistent and truthful candidate, he’s your guy.
    But, if you are less concerned about shifting positions and more concerned about which candidate will give you the best chance of succeeding in the future and create an economy and cultural environment that will allow you and your future kids to continue to live in the greatest country in the history of the world, vote for the candidate who has produced the best results toward that end. And we both know who that is – Donald J. Trump!

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