The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Archives Local Opinion

Vote Oswego provides voting opportunities

Today is the 2018 midterm election deadline for voter registration – the last chance for Oswego State students to have their voices heard by registering to vote or requesting their absentee ballots with the help of Vote Oswego.

For many college students, getting involved in politics can be a hassle. It can be scary and frustrating trying to navigate through the forms. Vote Oswego is prepared to combat this problem by making the registration process easier in order to empower students and make civic engagement an enjoyable experience.

Compared to the 2014 midterm election, when only 678 students voted out of the 8,055 students enrolled, this year, the campus is stepping it up. The student-led voter registration and education project is filled with highly dedicated staff members that help students through every step of the voting process. Already, Vote Oswego has reported 907 absentee ballot requests and 615 registered student voters for this year’s midterm election. Through the organization’s efforts to help every student utilize their voice in politics, it has already generated an enormous turnout.

But there is still time to make the turnout even better. And as Vote Oswego reminds us all, every vote counts.

The faculty sponsor for Vote Oswego, Allison Rank,  assistant professor of political  science, teaches a course that serves as the driving force for the Vote Oswego campaign. Rank believes community is very important in the process.

“It’s about coming together with people and thinking about what they have in common with them,” Rank said.

The nonpartisan Vote Oswego staff members have dedicated a lot of time and effort into helping students across campus.

“They are students here, and they want to raise other students’ voices, even if it’s not the same as theirs,” Rank said.

Vote Oswego will be setting up tables across campus to remain easily accessible as students rush to complete all necessary forms before the deadline. The table at Lakeside Dining Hall will only be available on Friday during lunch hours. The table at Penfield Library will be available from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday. The table at Marano Campus Center will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday. The table at Glimmerglass Gym will be available from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday.

As a reminder to all students, if you have received a call or email saying that you have an error or mistake on any of your forms, please reach out to Vote Oswego immediately to fix the issue.

Even though today is the last day that voters can register to vote or request their absentee ballot, the students of Vote Oswego continue to provide as much help as they can. They will be hosting an Absentee Ballot Party on Oct. 29 and 30 in room 133 of MCC, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Make sure to attend to receive some free stamps and snacks, have your absentee ballots mailed and get the chance to win some exciting prizes.

Photo provided by Pixabay