The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

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Campus Recreation Report: Trio of sports continue

The fifth week of competition wrapped up with the continuation of the soccer, handball and broomball leagues. In the men’s recreational league, SHEEESH claimed their third victory of the season over OswegOles Finest in a final score of 7-3.

Immediately after, Halls and Balls captured their fourth win of the season with a 14-5 game over Oswego’s Finest. In the corec recreational, the East High Wildcats defeated Naughty America in a score of 6-1 for their fourth win of the season.

In the final two games of the night, ChurchGroup Putinballaway defeated Deadly Daga (10-3) and Super Strikers II, in a close battle, defeated Coke Diet FC in a final score of 4-3. In the next round of games on Thursday night, the corec recreational league started the night off with a fifth victory for Dyslexia Untied in a score of 6-3 over Cornhole and friends. In the next game, the men’s competitive league pitted Super Strikers 2 and Boonk squad against each other with the Super Strikers coming out on top with a score of 12-4.

The East High Wildcats saw their second victory of the week in a close game against Rooney Toons (5-4). In the men’s competitive league, the Free Agents defeated the Real Coholics in a score of 4-3. Finally, in the men’s recreational league, Rack City FC captured their third victory of the season over The Big Doinks with a final score of 8-5. Sunday’s games started off with a tie in an obviously close game in the corec rec league between The Starks of Soccerfell and Kicking and Screaming. The second game of the day saw victory in the men’s rec league for The Replacements, who defeated Sky High (3-2) in a nail-biter of a game. In the corec competitive league, NARP Life captured their fifth victory of the season in a score of 7-1, while in the corec rec league, Kick my Balls defeated the Oswehoes (10-3).

Finally, in the men’s competitive league, NARP Life handed Benchwarmers their first loss in a score of 8-4. Halls and Balls continued their winning streak on Monday night with a win over OswegOles Finest (10-2), while Al Roker FC captured their first win over Tipatomat in a score of 11-3. In the last two games of the night, Dyslexia Untied defeated Rooney Toons in a score of 7-6 in the corec rec league, while The Starks of Soccerfell fell to the East High Wildcats (7-5).

The broomball playoffs are also continuing into the fifth and sixth week of competition. In the corec competitive tournament, Broom Dawgs fell to MUDBEAST.NET in a close game of 2-1. However, later in the week, MUDBEAST.NET was bumped from the competition by Special Cay (1-0). In the men’s competitive league, the METARDs defeated the Shrimp Fondlers in another close one (1-0). Stop N’ Dump defeated Roll Tide Pods in a score of 2-0 and Sweeping the Nation defeated TKE in a score of 3-0. In the final game of the week, Church Group Getting Holy defeated the Hat Trick Heroes in a final score of 1-0.

In the team handball league, we saw many of our favorites continue their winning streaks, while others fell to new competitors. Just3easypaymentsof$19.99 saw their first loss against Barely College Athletes in a final score of 7-2. Both Bourelli’s Bit….. and Tiger Woods Fan Club continued their winning streaks with victories over the Roller Lakers (13-4) and Kappa Sigma (5-1).

The volleyball league also continued this week with many more exciting games. United Nations swept their first games of the week with three victories over The Ball Touchers in the the Men’s Recreational League. Also in the men’s rec league, Vollybaes captured three victories over OFC (RiP Dowling). In the corec recreational league, Kiss my Ace captured three victories over United Nations. Also in the corec rec league, Notorious D.I.G. captured two victories over Ball Breakers before suffering one single loss in the last game of the set. Later in the week, in the corec competitive league, the Blazin’ Jays defeated Tide Pod Squad three times in a row, while in the corec rec league, Blaquaman followed against Sets on the Beach, who captured two more wins to Blaquaman’s single victory. In the men’s rec league, both The Ball Touchers and United Nations prevailed against Two Bump Chumps in all three games. In the corec competitive league, Popped a Volley Im Settin took their third, fourth and fifth wins of the season. Sets in the city captured three more victories over Raw Sets in the corec competitive league. In the final games of the week, in the corec rec league, Porcupine Spikes took two victories from Snooki’s Bump before being handed a loss in the final game of the set. Also in the corec rec league and in the same fashion, Spiked Punch captured two victories over Fun in the sun before suffering one single loss. In the corec competitive league, Mission Unblockable took on the Tide Pod Squad with many close games mixed in there, which inevitably saw Mission Unblockable emerging as the victor. In the final games, Oswego’s Finest captured three victories over Two Bump Chumps.

Stay tuned for more Campus Rec Intramural action and be sure to keep an eye out for signups for many of our new events, such as the Dodgeball Tournament, the 3v3 Basketball Tournament and the NCAA Finals Bracket Challenge.

Photo Provided by Mic-Anthony Hay