The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

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About The Oswegonian

General Information and Disclaimers

The Oswegonian is SUNY Oswego’s only independent, not for profit, student run newspaper serving the campus and Oswego, N.Y. community since 1935. Readers of The Oswegonian include over 10,000 students, faculty and staff at the college’s Oswego campus as well as over 18,000 residents in the City of Oswego. In print, The Oswegonian freely distributes 2,500 copies on Fridays throughout the academic year and serves a broader audience online.

The content appearing in The Oswegonian and at the solely reflects the editorial decisions made by its staff and does not necessarily reflect the views of SUNY Oswego or the Student Association at SUNY Oswego.

Editorials and other columns appearing in the Opinion section of the paper do not necessarily reflect the views of all staff members, nor of SUNY Oswego. The Oswegonian receives a portion of it’s funding from a mandatory student activity fee administered by the Student Association at SUNY Oswego. Neither SA nor SUNY Oswego exerts any editorial control over material appearing in The Oswegonian.

Any material submitted for print in The Oswegonian is also subject to appear online without prior notice to the submitter. This includes letters to the editor, submitted photos, press releases, columns, cartoons, etc.

The Oswegonian does not discriminate against advertising that appears both in print and online unless it exhibits obscene sexual depictions, nudity, and/or vulgar language as determined by the current editorial staff.

The Oswegonian reserves the right to edit all submissions for content, clarity, and style. This is not limited to Op-Ed submissions, but all articles submitted in News, Sports, Laker Life and the Laker Review