The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Republican Party full of snowflakes

A 24-year-old called a bunch of people hypocrites and now they want her fired because she hurt their feelings.

On March 17, liberal agitator Tomi Lahren guest starred on the daytime talk show “The View” and took part in their hot topics round table discussion. During Lahren’s appearance she was questioned about her Conservative ideologies, but her stance on abortion surprised many. It was in that interview that Lahren talked her way into getting her show and free speech suspended.

Lahren is a political commentator on her show “Tomi” on The Blaze network, which was founded by Glenn Beck, a notable author and veteran Conservative talk show host.

Shortly after Lahren’s visit to “The View,” her show was suspended for one reason: She called out Republicans, stating they are hypocrites.

“I am for limited government and so I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government, but I think that the government should decide what women do with their bodies,” Lahren said on “The View.”

Beck defends his claims that Lahren was not an ideal employee and had many problems with her staff which has ultimately lead to her suspension.

The real problem is not whether Lahren supports abortion or not, but why she was suspended in the first place and why she still is over a week later. Beck has a strong religious Conservative following and by his employee going after traditional thinkers, he acted to not lose his base, his money and his fame.

Beck hired Lahren because of her bulldog attitude for going after leftist thinkers and for her demographics of being a young, Conservative woman. Lahren, originally from the Midwest, attracts viewers that traditional channels like Fox News, CNN and MSNBC do not appeal to. On Twitter she states she shares libertarian, conservative and moderate views on different topics. Lahren claims she has always defended her beliefs with evidence and fact, which is exactly what viewers know her for. So, if she uses facts, creates logical arguments, defends her beliefs and brings in millions of viewers from across the country, why is Lahren still suspended?

Lahren, who is famous for going after Democratic college students and calling them snowflakes, can now call her own party members snowflakes as well. Lahren is still suspended because the Republican Party has gone soft. The members of the Republican Party have become snowflakes.

The Republican Party has always devoted itself to protecting the First Amendment, so it should not be OK that one of their media leaders was suspended for using her freedom of speech. Beck answered those weak calls from his fans and suspended Lahren solely to keep those fans happy.

What the media and politicians have still failed to realize, even after President Donald Trump’s unforeseen victory, is that there are millions of Republicans out there not identifying with traditional Republican views anymore. Call them the silent majority, call them anything you want, but know these people want the government out of their purses, out of their guns, out of their bodies and out of their lives.

Lahren is representing those people, giving an overlooked group of Americans a voice. Whether it is the fact that she is a young woman whose bold attitude cannot be contained or simply because she does not fit the typical Republican mold, she is now paying the price.

Anyone who believes in the First Amendment and basic rights, can stand with Lahren and agree that she was suspended for the very thing that makes her famous: her courageous voice that gives no mercy.


  1. Neither party have ever been about freedom. They’ve always been about their own ideologies being the only way forward. Freedom means I get to keep my guns. Freedom means my children can pray in school as much as they want but the school does not get to indoctrinate my children. Freedom is, as long as the government keeps putting their nose in marriage I get to marry whoever I want, male or female. Democrats are about more federal oversight while Republicans are about more state oversight but both are still government overreach.

    However, the problem with Lahren and apparently the author of this piece is they don’t understand the difference between government encroachment and societal repercussions. Let’s examine this statement, “It was in that interview that Lahren talked her way into getting her show and free speech suspended.” Lahren did not get her free speech suspended. The platform that she had been given was taken away. She did not own that platform and therefore the owner, in this case Beck, has every right to suspend her. Only the government can take your free speech away, not society and most definitely not your employer (it’s their company and their policies). Now you can use peer pressure from society to get an employer to do what you want but that still has nothing to do with an individuals right to free speech.

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