The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


New candidate looming on icy horizon

As the U.S. presidential race approaches its climax, many Americans are still undecided on whom they should vote for.

On one side there is Hilary Clinton, whose husband might be more trusted than she is, despite committing adultery while in the Oval Office. Opposite her is Donald Trump, whose policies are more questionable than his hair. There are third party candidates, but there has not been a serious candidate on the third party ballot since Ralph Nader.

There is no reason for debate, America already knows who the best candidate is. Unfortunately, he is the real-life “Warden of the North” and already sworn to the land of maple leaves and hockey. Yes, the best option for president is Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

To validate Trudeau’s supposed campaign a review would be nice.

He has real-world experience. Unlike many politicians, within America or without, Trudeau has lived the life as a layman. One of the more publicized occupations he held was working as a bouncer at a bar.

Why is this significant?

It shows Trudeau can handle himself in a conflict and not be walked all over. No bar owner wants a pushover working the door after all.

In addition to being a strong presence at the door, Trudeau had to be strong with adolescents too. From 1999 to 2002, Trudeau honed his talents in the art of teaching at West Point Grey Academy, the equivalent of pre K through 12 grade, and Sir Winston Churchill Secondary school, both in Vancouver.

He has political experience too. This is Trudeau’s weakest point, far and away. Whereas a candidate like Clinton has spent 35 years in politics, Trudeau spent just a few years in Canada’s parliament, beginning his political career in 2008. To make up for his lack of time on the political battlefield, Trudeau spent a significant amount of time around the political elite while his father, Pierre Trudeau, was prime minister. The elder Trudeau serves as a cautionary tale to his son as well, after Pierre resigned from office in 1984.

This is not to say that Trudeau is perfect however in June, Trudeau appeared in a viral video taking questions from reporters at an institute of physics. It is not rare for heads of government to field questions while making public appearances. What was rare however, was that a reporter asked the prime minister to explain quantum computing, which Trudeau proceeded to do.

While the scene was nice, as Moneybox, a blog focusing on economics, writer Will Oremus noted, the setup seemed too perfect. It would be nice if Trudeau understood such concepts and there is still the possibility, but there is no prior record that he does, so it is foolhardy to assume he does.

This is not to discredit what he does have. Not stumbling while giving an answer so foreign is an achievement itself. When compounding Trudeau’s savvy with all his other credentials, it is clear he is the best choice.

Unfortunately, while some people hold two mistresses, it is not possible for the face of a country to court another suitor. The best choice then, may not be “Trudeau 2016,” but a grander platform altogether.

“Canada 2016.”