The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 2, 2025


U ASK app proves to be useful resource on college campuses

The U ASK app is changing the accessibility of resources to survivors of sexual assault.

U ASK, which stands for University Assault, Services, Knowledge, is part of the Men Can Stop Rape Project. The app was invented so people could readily retrieve multiple support services in one place.

The app, which launched in 2012, is currently being used by nine colleges, mainly in the Washington, D.C., area. The original project of Men Can Stop Rape was started in 1997 and through a partnership with the D.C. mayor’s office, the two groups worked together to create a way to communicate to students and provide services that they could seek on different campuses if they needed to. Eventually, the app became something that people wanted to implement city-wide.

The app offers services closely related to the universities who use it, but also general services like the ability to call 911, seek medical attention or even alerting friends, making the app essential for anyone in college.

With sexual assault becoming a more prevalent topic in the last few years, and certainly this year with several major incidents nationwide, these apps are truly beneficial to all students. In the last year alone, the Stanford rape case involving Brock Turner has turned heads and stirred controversy over his lenient sentencing, causing the subject of sexual assault to be more openly discussed. This app is aiming to not only provide knowledge about sexual assaults, but to provide services.

While Oswego State has the Rave Guardian app and a website that puts users into contact with services throughout the state, the implementation of another app would not hurt.  The more accessible the better. The more progressive the better. The more knowledge spread the better. Both U ASK and Rave Guardian are trying to achieve these goals.

If these apps were used nationally it could lead to more discussions about sexual assault, especially on campuses and the ultimate goal of less sexual assaults. All of these apps and websites are in place to help students and, if used correctly and diligently, could really lead to change. It is sad that sexual violence is still prevalent but things like U ASK can do a lot of good.

They are what can help people before, during and after a sexual assault. They are what can lend a hand, stop a crime or even prevent one. These apps and websites are honestly life changing tools that everyone should use.