The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Laker Review

Britney Spears does not claim “Glory” with her latest album

Britney Spears has recently revealed that she does not listen to her own music; this may be why her new album “Glory” ultimately failed.

The album does not excel like her former albums. Spears does not have the same talent since her mental breakdown in 2007. The most remarkable thing the singer has done in the last couple years is star in “How I Met Your Mother.”

Man of the moment G-Eazy is featured in single “Make Me…,” but his help did not aid in saving the album. It is a relief that Spears gets the credit for that song because it could have been a career ruiner for G-Eazy if the song was all his. Surprisingly, the song peaked at No. 17 on the Billboard Hot 100.

“Glory” is nowhere to be found on iTunes’ “New Music” section or anywhere on the home page.

Flop “Private Show” is a complete copy of Meghan Trainers’ ‘80s style hit “All About that Bass.” “Just Luv Me” and “Love Me Down” do not deserve love, more like a trash can. “Do You Wanna Come over?” does not attract anyone to go over her house. The background music in “Clumsy” does not match the style of her voice. Britney’s prime ended in the mid-2000s. Give 2002 back to Britney!

Fans expected better but received throwaway songs. Spears will not recover from her fall in music.

“Womanizer” was the last song that listeners can argue was a success. The success of classic songs like “… Baby One More Time,” “Gimme More” and “Toxic” cannot be repeated.

Spears isn’t the only artist who has fallen from her game; the likes of Colby O’ Donis, Arcangel, Enrique Iglesias and Black Eyed Peas have all reached their abyss. Spears fell off her game years ago and  this album is an example of why she is no longer hip and why she should finally retire from music.

Although music is not her A-game, she is a great dancer and she coulde find an alternative career as a choreographer for big-name artists and                      rising stars.

“Not rushing anything […] so that my fans will appreciate it,” were Spears’ words when asked on why the album was taking so long to be released. Spears and RCA records worked on “Glory” for two years.

A quality album was expected if it is worked on for that long. For example, the Lumineers they worked on the album for four years and it was brilliant. Spears should have worked longer on “Glory” if it was worth a success.

The album is a misfire.

In the end, “Glory” does not deliver the same success as her first couple albums “… Baby One More Time” (1999,) “Oops!… I Did it Again” (2000) and “Britney” (2001.) Spears’ son chose the title of the album. He needs better luck next time, if there is one.

No glory for “Glory.”


  1. Glory may not have been commercially successful but it’s the best album she’s done in a decade.

  2. I really don’t know where the hell you get your info from or what trashy kind of music you like, but you’re obviously talking a lot of crap! “Glory” is a super fantastic album and yes the best so far. So please stop writing trash and get some style because you obviously don’t have any. Can you even sing??

  3. And Brandon, there’s a bloody huge difference between “Private show” and Meghan Trainor’s “All about the bass”. DUMB ASS!

  4. Oh, Britney pulled her album from Apple, and that would why it isn’t on iTunes.

    Dude, there’s something called Google News ya know.

  5. I think its kinda funny that you say that her prime ended in the mid 2000’s and also saying “give 2002 Britney back!”. Then go on by writing about how “Gimme more” and “Womanizer” as lead singles’ can not be topped. “Gimme more” was released in 2007 and “Womanizer” in 2008 both of which were released post “breakdown Britney” and not in the mid 2000’s. I sorta understand where you are coming from, but lets get one thing straight, Britney has had multiple #1’s and had several solid singles since her meltdown.

    Glory is a solid album, and her vocals sound better than anything she has done since “Britney” 2001 or “In the Zone” 2003. My point is she may not be the best with her performances as she once was, but her music has stayed just as solid as ever.

  6. It’s funny because you’re basically saying Britney’s new album is garbage (and also its your review) and yet you are writing about her.

    I have read mixed reviews and even bad ones for the album in question, but on them, the writers had a point and made sense for theirs arguments, but this one, you can note the repulse for the artist and there is no credibility nor objective opinion.

    • Miguel, I did not write the article! I actually love her new album, I’m not saying it’s garbage. I’am talking about her and her music, as well as her new album. Did you read the part when I said her vocals sound great in the new album? Also did you read that the part about me saying “Glory is a solid album” hmmmm… that sounds like to me that I’m saying its a good album.

  7. He’s just the assistant of a real writer, he doesn’t know what his talking about, but nice try, your succeed being a hater though

    • Robert, not the assistant, I do know what I’m talking about. I’ve been a fan since I was 16 I’m now 32. I’ve seen all of her tours, purchased all of her albums and watched all of her performances. I have my opinion just like all you!

  8. this is the WORST most harsh review for an album ive ever read. the album is INCREDIBLE! you are a terrible journalist and you must be deaf. this is the best album she has released in years. its the most creative and the hardest shes worked in a long time.

  9. The fact that everyone commenting is basically calling you out for you’re shitty review says a lot. 1) The lead single went to #17 and the album went to #3, not considered a “flop” 2) This album is a def improvement from her last album 3)”Britney’s prime ended in the mid-2000s” yet her highest grossing tour was in 2009, most of her number singles came between the years of 2008-2011 and she is also one of three of the only women in history to have a #1 album and #1 single in the first 3 decades of her career 4) you replied to a comment saying “I’ve been a fan since I was 16 I’m now 32” but in your review you write “Spears fell off her game years ago and this album is an example of why she is no longer hip and why she should finally retire from music.” sounds more like a hater than a fan and lastly this review is a little immature to be done by a 32 year old. Better luck next time.

    • I didn’t write the original review. What makes you think I did? Haha I responded to the review. I’m not hating on Britney I love her. The only reason I wrote anything was because I didn’t agree with the review. I agree with everyone that responded. I’m not blind she doesn’t perform like she once did, however I still love her and buy all her music. Gosh everyone gets so caught up in silly things. Peace everyone.

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