The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Kan-YAY or NAY?: The decision is yours

Kanye West is back at it again. The rap- per, who just released a new album and clothing line, has gone on not only a Twitter tirade, but is heard in recently released au- dio having a meltdown before performing on Saturday Night Live.

The audio depicts West having a tan- trum over SNL staff who removed the stage that he was planning to perform on. Ac- cording to, West is also heard called the staff a defamatory name. During his fit, he calls out Taylor Swift for being fake. This comes just days after the release of his album in which he said he made Swift famous and the night before the Grammys, when Swift acknowledged West’s state- ments during her acceptance speech.

In the audio, West said he is more influ- ential than Picasso, Apostle Paul, Pablo Es- cobar and Stanley Kubrick. He can also be heard saying, using vulgar language, not to mess with him.

Here’s the deal with West: he likes at- tention. This tirade of audio and Twitter rants seem to purposely come out just as he launches a new line of clothing and a new album. To me, this looks like nothing more than West trying to gain attention so he can sell his clothing and music. Why else would all this appear to be happening around the

same time? We have seen West carry on some heavy Twitter rants and rants in gen- eral, but this one happened so closely to the time he released so many new products that it appears to be a promotional stunt so his name gets circulated. And it has worked.

We have fallen prey to West’s stunts. If he is really in debt like he claims to be, then how does he afford all the clothes he has or the houses he has? These rants and audio clips are just meant to get people talking about West whether you love him or not. His song about Swift set off a frenzy of people who rushed to see what she would say in re- sponse and in the end it got people talking about his album. His name is being spread like a virus and we are all susceptible to it.

West’s rants are absolutely ridiculous but we find the need to talk about them be- cause they are just so outlandish. In a sense they are worth mentioning because they are absolutely hilarious and crazy. We all know that the man has said a multitude of out- rageous things in the past and yet we still continuously talk about him when he has another episode.

I think it’s time to turn away from West and focus on other things. We know that Swift made it big because she can sing and perform and she has thousands of people who love her music and believe in her. We also know that West will probably continue to produce a clothing line and yet still claim he’s broke. He will still go home to his man- sion every night. What we need to do is de- termine whether it is even worth listening to the outrageous things he says anymore.