The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Star Wars Episode VII boycotted

There is a disturbance in the force.

After the release of the latest trailer for “Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens,” people are up in arms over the new film. The cries have been seen on Twitter and the story was trending on Facebook because some claim it is anti-white propaganda promoting #whitegenocide.

The hashtag #BoycottingStarWarsVII appeared on social media and it began to be filled with people’s rants about  diversity inthe film.  John Boyega, an actor from England who is cast to play the character of Finn in the film, is the main reason for their hatred. Many are upset that he is going to be a main character in the film.

Star Wars isn’t just for one race of people. The film has featured various African American characters before, such as Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu), Billie D. Williams (Lando) and James Earl Jones (Darth Vader’s voice).

Maybe they are upset that Boyega has been cast in a main role. Does this mean the film needs a white protagonist to be watchable?

An actor is an actor. A Jedi is a Jedi. People not wanting to see the film because they believe it is attacking the pure white ideal is almost as ridiculous as saying Greedo shot first. We all know it was Han Solo.

Many actors and activists have responded to the comments, calling them out for what they are: racist and shortsighted rants. 

Star Wars fans may be afraid of change. “Phantom Menance” left a bad taste in many fan’s mouths, but that should not scare anyone away from the new film. Changes need to be made. It is the only way things can move forward.

For those who are hating on the film because there’s a black actor as a main character, I can only say, it’s about time. Look at the science fiction people have been getting, “Alien,” “Star Trek,” “Interstellar,” so many different films, yet the main character is a white person, usually a scientist, who ends up saving the day basically single-handed. There is a need for change.

Star Wars is the best option for the change too. With an already dedicated fan base world wide, there is little doubt that this will be a box office juggernaut for the holiday season. The movie has already been projected to make over a billion dollars in the box office. This mainstream movie can set a precedent for films, showing that audiences don’t need all of the same plot lines and ideas for a good sci-fi.

Be excited for the film. Things are looking bright for the galaxy far, far away. As we move forward, hopefully we can see more actors of color take center stage in pop culture films. The boycotters can go on their little rants and people can see the film for what it can be; extraordinary.