The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Archives News

This Week in SA

The Student Association held its 18th meeting of the academic year Tuesday evening. The number of senators needed to make quorum was satisfied.

The minutes from last meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were both approved.

There was one guest to the Senate. University Chief of Police John Rossi informed the Senate about the role of University Police on campus. He discussed the inner workings of the UP department including the staff, protocol and the resources they provide for students. Rossi answered questions and concerns from the senators about cameras on campus, the smoking ban, Bridge Street Run, parking and the extent of their jurisdiction.

In public comment, Jerri Drummond announced that admissions is planning an overnight event for incoming students, March 30 and 31 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Admissions are looking to put together a panel of students to talk to incoming freshmen about “what it means to be a Laker.”

In executive reports, SA President Tucker Sholtes informed the Senate about the updates on Ozfest, such as extending the price deadline of the concert and finalizing a meet and greet with the performers. Sholtes announced 1,200 tickets have been sold within the first week of sales.  Events during the day on Ozfest are still being negotiated.

Sholtes reminded the Senate of the Lead Conference coming up on the weekend of April 10 as a part of one of the things he wants to get settled before he leaves for office.

SA Vice President Jillian Kranz announced the new vice president, Emily Nassir. The student participation in elections doubled in votes from last year. She also announced the student body is invited to the next and last Senate meeting in Lanigan 107 with cookies, cupcakes and beverages where the new president and vice president would be sworn in.

Elena Sanchez-Freeman, SA director of finance informed the Senate about the update on next year’s budget. She announced all applications for next year’s director of finance were in and they are in the process of narrowing it down.

In committee reports, Sen. Sarah Woods, the chair of the rules and judiciary committee said they are going over the rules and making sure the president and vice president for SA next year are up to date on them next year. The finance committee did not meet this week. The involvement committee made the decision to hold off on the “Meet the Senator” event until next year. Also, they are looking into buying the rights to a newly released movie to be shown at Ozfest and are open to suggestions.

In special orders, the Senate passed a resolution for the elections results. Kranz mentions how pleased she was with the turnout. Christopher Collins-McNeil was named new SA president with 481 votes. Nassir was elected the new SA vice president with 342 votes over candidate Marlon Calliste with 197 votes. According to Kranz, the number of votes doubled this year with a total of 551 votes.

There were no general orders.

There was no new legislation.

SA meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. usually Lanigan 102. The next meeting is in Lanigan 107. All meetings are open to the public.