The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 3, 2025

Archives Campus News News

This Week in SA

The Student Association held its 13th meeting of the academic year Tuesday evening. The number of senators needed to make quorum was satisfied.

One new student, Alex Sharpsteen, was sworn in as a senator and took the oath of office on the SA constitution. The minutes from last meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were both approved.

There were two guests to the senate. Julie McCarthy, a representative from the Oswego State chapter of the National Broadcasting Society, requested about $800 from SA to help pay for two students to attend the National Broadcasting Society Convention in Atlanta on March 24. This request includes admissions into the convention, hotel and transportation. Sen. Alex George volunteered to write up a bill for the proposal.

Brian Clyne discussed the uses of the personal safety app, Oswego Guardian. He presented the different benefits in getting the app to SA and the features it offers. The app allows the user to program a “guardian” that will be notified in an emergency. It also allows the user to call University Police or 911 by holding down a button on the app. He wanted to speak to the senate in order to encourage them to use and promote the app.

There was no public comment.

In executive reports, SA Vice President Jillian Kranz wanted updates on when the committees were meeting and emphasized the importance of meeting every week. She also updated the senate on upcoming elections for SA next year. As of now, no one is running for SA president and vice president but SA plans to send out petitions and advertisements soon.

Director of Student Affairs Chris Romita said he has been working with Career Services and hopes to get post cards sent out to sophomores in higher standing so that parents can start the conversation and let them know what the school has to offer. Also, he informed the senate that there are four seats available to attend the faculty assembly this semester allowing senators to vote and provide feedback for the faculty.

Ryan Hopf, President Tucker Sholtes’s chief of staff, is working to finalize the SA apparel as well as the price for the end of February. He mentioned to the senate that Oswego State is doing a Lip Dub to represent all of the student organizations on February 20th and that SA should also be involved. It was agreed that a skit should be planned in future meetings.

Senior Kristopher Knowlton was elected as the new chief justice and freshman Ivana Citera was elected the new associate justice.

In committee reports, meeting times were discussed for the future meetings of this semester. Sharpsteen decided to join the Rule and Judiciary Committee. The roles of solicitor general and attorney general were discussed and Kranz said she would bring information back next meeting to the senate to see how they would properly go about electing people into these two positions.

Sholtes updated the senate on the spring concert. Although he was not able to disclose what acts would be performing, he said contracts were being sent this week. He said the CTS agreement, including the 4-year computer replacement cycle, is still being negotiated.

He also stated the he is working alongside WTOP-10 to see what is needed to get an update in its studio. The updates might save SA money in the long run and reduce its future budget.

Sholtes said he has been talking to some individuals involved in Bike Share, an on-campus organization, located in the basement of Hewitt Union that repairs bikes for free. They offer student bike repair services while also giving students who are interested training on how to fix bikes. Sholtes talked to them about positioning themselves to still fall into contract with SA. As of now, they do not have enough funding to keep up with student demands. Tucker revealed his support in Bike Share and his desire to build them up to be an on-campus bike shop.

Sholtes also announced to senate that Saturday, Feb. 20 is the Diversity and Inclusion Conference in Oneonta. He emphasized his interest in having Oswego State students attend and go through the training. It would only cost $15 a person and include meals throughout the day.

There were no hall council reports.

In special orders, the SA Conflict of Interest Policy from last meeting was approved by senate.

In general orders, the senate amended the philosophy club’s original request for $300 for pizza. The amendment to the bill reduced the price from $300 for pizza to $100 for promotions. There was a debate between senators about whether the money was worth providing. The senate eventually went to a vote and the bill did not pass. Five senators voted yes, two senators voted no and six senators abstained to vote.

The Oswego film club requested $810 for the promotion, trophies, event programs and decorations for the Mixed Emotion Film Club on Feb. 28 in the Marano Campus Center. While in debate, the senators discussed what a great turn out this event usually receives. The bill went into a vote and passed.

New legislation included the Students for Global Change benefit for the Big Cat Sanctuary. This included $263 for water, raffles, magnets, T-shirts and decorations to help them put on a dodgeball tournament on April 24 to fundraise for the Big Cat Rescue. The bill was moved to the Finance Committee.

SA meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Lanigan 102. All meetings are open to the public.