The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Laker Review

This Week’s Horoscopes

Strong influences indicate that you really need to be quite practical for most of the day. If your intention is to procrastinate, you may need to think again. Something requires your attention that shouldn’t be ignored. The sooner you act, the more time you’ll free up later.

Don’t be discouraged by rather chaotic vibes. Don’t be surprised if there are a number of little mishaps disrupting and disordering your routine. It is possible that something going wrong will actually turn out to produce a longed-for result; be open to new ideas.

Improved circumstances should make you much happier, especially when it comes to relationships. In work however, it’s perhaps best not to get too involved in what may be an emotional matter. Try to avoid being put on the spot at the wrong time.

It might be a day where you overstep the boundaries slightly, especially if it is tied to something you want or need addressed. If it seems that you’re not getting through to others, then focus on clearer communication and be more realistic in your expectations.


Encouragement should provide a breath of “fresh air.” Friendships and fun outings are all on the horizon. Just be warned, though—if you try to push aside an important chore today, it will crop up again, most likely just before the weekend. Accomplish tasks now.

Focus on emotions and feelings with high levels of wisdom and compassion. You’ll be in a strong position to calm and soothe minor predicaments, and you’ll be able to keep all parties happy without having to take sides. Don’t allow one issue to dominate your day.

Dense influences are likely to generate an unsure or slightly insecure mood for everyone. Trying to second-guess others will only raise your stress levels. Try to remember that others will be subject to the same minor anxieties; you may find the day easier to navigate.

Disrupted plans are likely. It might even be a case of having to start all over again with one specific matter. Nevertheless, this has the capacity to turn from an undesirable development into a positive one. Being tolerant is likely to produce extra backing.

There’s a slight inclination to try and adjust things that perhaps should be left for another day. You’re likely to have less patience than usual, and you’re likely to test other people’s tolerance too. It’s surely a day to stick to the “middle ground” as much as possible.

It is likely that one insightful or revealing discussion will enable a general feeling of moving forward. Someone in your immediate friendship circle is likely to be much more open than they usually are. Use the accessible atmosphere to open up communication.

Yesterday’s uncooperative feelings will ease to some extent, but it may be a day where minor difficulties seem to disappear one moment and reappear elsewhere. While this will continue to frustrate you, keep focused and be confident that tomorrow sees an ease of pressure.

There is a slight leaning toward materialism. You may be tempted to take comfort in things that normally don’t have your attention. However, it’s possible you could end up feeling a little dissatisfied with an impulsive decision made on the spot. Think things through.