The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

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This Week in SA

The Student Association held their second weekly meeting of the semester Tuesday evening. Twelve senators were present for the meeting.
Two new senators were sworn in by taking the SA oath. SA vice president and president of the senate Neely Laufer was not present at the meeting due to personal reasons. When the vice president is absent, the chair of the rules and judiciary committee runs senate meetings. As a result, Jillian Kranz presided.
Last week’s minutes were approved and the agenda was amended.
There was one guest to the senate, men’s club volleyball, represented by Steven Badaracco and Zachary Timm. They spoke to the senate about funding men’s club volleyball throughout the year. Last year’s captain of the team suffered injuries and never filed a budget for this year. Badaracco said he’d been part of the club volleyball team for three years and said he wanted to do more work with the school, such as tabling and talking to students about jobs in the athletic field. Badaracco and Timm said the team travels to compete and is asking for $500 for new volleyballs, $540 for new team jerseys and $1,400 for travel expenses. The proposition was referred to the finance committee for the period of one week.
There was no public comment.
In executive reports, SA President Tucker Sholtes addressed the senate and asked if any senators would be interested in attending a diversity and inclusion conference at the University of Connecticut in October. He also said that he hears students complaining a lot about student parking on campus and asked if a senator could represent students in the school’s parking committee. Senator Emily Nassir volunteered for the position. Sholtes said that the campus has a great deal of committees that want student representation and encouraged senators to look into participating in those.
Sholtes announced there is going to be an off-campus housing fair on Oct. 1, which would provide a great opportunity for students looking to live off campus next year to meet and talk to major landlords in the area.
Sholtes discussed President Barrack Obama’s “It’s On Us” campaign on sexual assault prevention. He showed senators the White House’s official campaign video and a similar video done by Stanford University. Sholtes said that Oswego State President Deborah Stanley’s eventual objection is to create an Oswego-based video that would be made at the institutional level and might include senators. Sholtes reminded the senate that Oswego State will be hosting the SUNY SA conference Nov. 7 to 9.
Elena Sánchez, director of finance, said briefly that she would keep the SA members updated on organizations coming in looking for extra funding. One organization, she reported, completely shut down and four others are currently working with Sánchez for funding.
Rules and Judiciary Committee Chair Jillian Kranz said the committee had not officially met because the committee currently only has two members.
Finance Committee Chair, Tyler Jodeit, said his committee met and mainly discussed what to expect when future meetings occurred.
Student Involvement Committee Chair Shantol Williams said the committee didn’t decide on a meeting time yet, so they have not held a meeting.
Senator Nassir said the event “Miss a Meal,” an opportunity for students to miss one of their dining hall meals to be donated, will be happening soon. She said she is working with Auxiliary Services to schedule a date for it.
The two new senators then discussed and chose an SA committee to work with, as is required by each senator.
There were no hall council reports.
There were no senator research forums.
A special order (SLE 50.01) was introduced, submitted by President Sholtes and sponsored by Finance Director Sánchez and Vice President Laufer. The order proposed to use $150,000 of SA reserves to fund an entertainment program to combat the annual end-of-year bar crawl, Bridge Street Run. The order was referred to the finance committee for the period of one week.
A general order (SE 50.01) was introduced to transfer $10,822.50 to the account of DECA, an international association of high school and college students that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. The money would be used to allow participating students to travel to several conferences. The order was referred to the finance committee for the period of one week.
There were no senator issues.
The SA senate meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Lanigan 102 and all meetings are open to the public.