The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 3, 2025

In the Office Opinion

High-risk decisions have big payouts

When I came to Oswego as a transfer student, I had no idea that I would be where I am today. I remember sitting in the ice arena with my candle in hand staring at all the surrounding flames and thinking to myself that I was going to do great things. Like the many other new students around me, I was still concerned about my future and development.

Transferring in the fall semester of 2013 from a community college that had roughly 600 total residential students on campus, it was quite the adjustment coming to Oswego State. Living in apartment style housing for two years, there was also the struggle of moving to a shoebox-sized dorm room setting. Knowing I had issues with claustrophobia, I didn’t think it would go well. The thing is, if I were not claustrophobic, I would never be where I am today.

After my first week of living in the wonderful Riggs Hall, I knew that there was so much more around me than air conditioning. First thing was that I needed to meet people. I made up a strategy where I would sit next to someone and say, “Hi, I’m not really feeling the whole sitting alone thing. Is this seat taken?” After a few laughs, there really was nothing to it. Meeting one person after another it dawned on me that the majority of people I came in contact with were broadcasting majors and I didn’t even seek them out.

Discussing past histories with these new friends on campus, I found there was always mention of at least one student media group. So I told myself that if I applied for a position in every group, chances were that I would at least get one. Instead, I received a position in every group. WTOP, WNYO and The Oswegonian welcomed me with open arms and that is what makes each of them so great to work with.

From that experience, I told myself to take my luck of the Irish to a whole new level and apply for a resident assistant on campus. After being a resident for only one semester, I was hired as an RA in Funnelle Hall for the Spring 2014 semester, given the privilege to work with an amazing staff.

Being in my second semester at Oswego State, I can honestly say I couldn’t be happier where I am today and with the opportunities given to me. Those who find themselves lost and not sure which path to take in your college career, never doubt yourself. Every decision you make toward your success on a college campus should be treated as a bonus question. What do you have to lose?