The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Sep. 21, 2024


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Month: November 2013

Campus Events Laker Review

Cross-department collaboration brings art to flash fiction

The second iteration of Graphic Flash is up in Penfield Library and will stay there until Dec. 8.  This collaborative event brought together upper-level creative writing and graphic design classes to make a unique gallery. Writers from one class made…

Laker Review Reviews

Lady Gaga demonstrates range on ambitious fourth album

When Stefani Germanotta, known by her stage name Lady Gaga, announced that she would be releasing her fourth album on Nov. 6th, the wait for her newest creation became the focus of the music industry. Article after article, many wondered…

Laker Review

Creative Writing

Neighborhood Watch By Julia Nuzzo I live in the central hub of a college town and it’s quite entertaining, but of course it has its drawbacks. The late night loud and drunken roars of townies and students alike makes sleep…

Laker Review


Aries You’ve grown a lot. Don’t be afraid to take a chance this week, maybe say something that you normally wouldn’t you will be delighted with the results. Try some new things, but don’t let things get out of hand….

Check out photos from the Media Summit

[slideshow_deploy id=’14876′]   Five alumni took the stage in Waterman Theatre Tuesday to talk about their experiences and topics in the sports field. Titled, “Get in the Game,” the 2013 Dr. Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit featured moderator and founder…

Archives Campus News News

Alumni-filled panel discusses business of sports at Media Summit

Five alumni took the stage in Waterman Theatre Wednesday to talk about their experiences and topics in the sports field. Titled, “Get in the Game,” the 2013 Dr. Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit featured moderator and founder of the event,…

Archives Campus News News

Turbine out of commission

In July 2010, Oswego State placed a wind turbine on the roof of Lee Hall to supply the campus with renewable energy. Despite the initial success, the turbine is currently failing to produce any power for the campus. The wind…

Archives Campus News Community News

Farm fresh & locally grown

Oswego State is among three other SUNY universities preparing to take part in an initiative promoting an increase in locally grown foods at campus institutions. Spurred by a $99,427 federal grant given to the American Farmland Trust to increase market…

Archives News World

Hurricane Sandy remembered year later

It has been one year since Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the Eastern seaboard of the U.S., a superstorm that reeked havoc on hundreds of cities and millions of people from the tri-state area to as far inland as Michigan….