The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 4, 2025

Archives Campus News News

This Week in Student Association

On Tuesday, the Student Association Senate met at 6 p.m. in Lanigan 103. No new senators were added and one had resigned since the week prior. Fifteen senators were present at the meeting. The senators quickly approved the minutes from the last meeting as well as the agenda for the meeting at hand.

The president and treasurer of the Human Computer Interactions club spoke in front of the senate to request extra money for a trip for the club. The organization currently has no budget because it is a new club. The club would like to travel to MIT for an overnight trip to attend a robotics exhibit. It is asking for SA to supply fund for eight to 10 members of the club to attend the trip. In total, it is asking for anywhere between $1,300 and $1,400. Senator Neely Lauver volunteered to write the bill for the club.

President Anthony Smith addressed the senate

Smith said he and Director of Finance Hassan Al-Shareffi would be hammering down the specifics on the finance package so that it could be set up for when organizations start the budgeting process. He also said that the school administration was meeting to make a decision on the CampusSafe application to replace the RaveGuardian. He also wanted senators to remember that they need to look toward promoting the mandatory SA fee next semester as well as the elections. He also stressed getting involvement up.

Vice President Ben June speaks to the senate

June told the senators that he made a chart of motions for them so that they know what they can and cannot motion for during senate. June also made note of there being no new legislation.

“I don’t like that,” June said.

June gave the senators homework for the week. He asked them to go on Laker Life and send an email to any organization reaching out as a senator. He wanted them to let the organization know that they are there to help them when they need it. He also encouraged senators to tell organizations that they can become involved in senate.

Director of Finance updates the senate

Al-Shareffi updated the senators on the remaining amounts in their accounts. The SA Contingency fund still has $2,000 that has not been used this semester. The senate promotions fund has $1,000 and has also not been used this semester. The organizational contingency funds are still at $6,072 from the $6,500 that they began with at the beginning of the semester. The joint organization account has $2,500 in it.

Al-Shareffi said that he would be meeting with SA’s insurance agent to go over its needs and hammer out some details for what needs to be changed. The insurance company works with other SUNY organizations, Al-Shareffi noted. He said that the auditor confirmed that SA’s audit went well.

Directors address the senate

Christopher Collins-Mcneil, director of civic engagement, said that he has met with Jon Zella, grad assistant for Civic Engagement, in regard to his major event of the semester. He said that he is changing the direction the event is heading in by making it an all multicultural event focusing on race relations in Oswego. He said that he would hopefully organize a panel of professionals to hold the event the week before or after Thanksgiving break. The event would have a Q&A period for students. He wants the discussion to focus on how students identify in politics and how politics affects their life. He did say that the event would not be as large as he originally planned.

Director of Campus Community Relations Tiffany Jenkins talked to the senate about her attending the auxiliary services meeting. She said there were no issues there. Jenkins said that Auxiliary Services would be sending out a survey to students soon, and that she would be holding an off-campus forum for students on Wednesday from 12 to 3 p.m. in Campus Center room 201. She is hoping to have the mayor attend the event and a flyer is ready to be posted on campus.

Director of Student Involvement Eric Flagg reminded senators that he was still meeting with clubs and organizations and that they were welcome to go with him. He said that it is better for their bills and he has been learning new things.

Rhay Guillen, director of student affairs, said that his direct assembly would be held on Nov. 14 in Campus Center 114. He asked the senators to reach out to their friends and organizations to have them attend and that he has begun posting flyers.

Committees report

The Rules and Judiciary committee affirmed the election timeline. It has also looked into election laws to update it for a smooth election. It also looked at the code to see if it could update the attendance rules.

The Finance and Appropriations committee briefly went over the finance code and laws, but did not go over anything since no new bills were introduced the week prior.

The Involvement committee discussed the Miss-a-Meal charity event and tabling to increase involvement.

No legislation whatsoever

There was no legislation brought to the table at all at the meeting. June had shared his disappointment earlier in the meeting, but knows that the senate is not in a bad position.

“We had someone [here today] who was a senator so many years ago, so less bills just indicates that we’re efficient in budgeting money,” June said. “It’s a challenge to find things to do. This is to be expected.”