The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 3, 2025

Laker Review

STRFKR supplies authentic, honest tracks in ‘Miracle Mile’


STRFKR, an indie-electronica band originating in 2007, has come back once more with ethereal and spacey tracks that will have everyone enjoying and knowing who they are.

STRFKR, which has gone under multiple name and member changes, will be adding “Miracle Mile” as their third full-length album, excluding the five EPs the band has released. With their latest album, the band has offered up more tracks that are just as interesting as past songs.

The best song on the album, and the most entertaining to listen to is “Sazed.” The song is so individual sounding; it has many different sounds that, when meshed together, sound completely different and new. Sort of like a Fiona Apple song if she did electronic music. The song is interesting and fun, and as soon as the singing starts, the sounds mesh almost perfectly with the different noises coming from the keyboards and drums.

A second track worth dancing to is “Leave It All Behind,” which is definitely the most upbeat and intense song on the album. The music in “Leave It All Behind” is intriguing and has everything a good dance song needs to be successful. The electronic and synthesized sound makes this one of the best songs on the album. Possibly the most emotional sounding track on the album, “Say to You,” will be a listener’s favorite. It’s a love song, which is peaceful, yet moving.

One of the only setbacks that one could say exist in “Miracle Miles” could be the similarity between a few of the tracks. This leads to the suggestion that the band could have stuck to 10 songs as opposed to its 15, which is actually more than most full-length albums. One other setback would be the abrupt ending to multiple songs. Unlike songs of so many other bands out there STRFKR songs seem to lack any sort of ending. This leads the listener to sometimes want more from the song, possibly a climax or a fade of some sort, yet there is barely any.

The band certainly stands on its own. It offers original sound, and even when the songs seem simplistic, listening to them two or three times can make you see the deepness that they hold. It’s the type of music that you either have the taste for or grow accustomed to, but once you do, you will enjoy it.

Overall, the album sounds like something you would listen to laying in your backyard on a summer afternoon. Perhaps the only thing the album and its tracks lose out on is the similarity some tracks have with each other. But even with these similarities, “Miracle Mile” is definitely worth listening to.

Songs such as “Sazed,” “Leave It All Behind,” and “Say To You” stand out in “Miracle Mile” for their entertaining and confident quality. (Photo provided by
Songs such as “Sazed,” “Leave It All Behind,” and “Say To You” stand out in “Miracle Mile” for their entertaining and confident quality. (Photo provided by