The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Tired of sexy texts? Title IX can help: Real Talk with Shelly and Ted

Shelly Sloan is the Health Promotion Coordinator and Ted Winkworth is the alcohol and other drug program coordinator. You can find them at The Lifestyles Center in Walker Health Center. Shelly received her master’s degree in community health education and is a certified in health education specialist. Ted received his master’s degree in counseling and is also a credentialed alcoholism and substance abuse counselor.


Dear Shelly and Ted,

Why are college students more likely to get depressed?


College Blues


Dear College Blues,

The rise in the more severe cases of depression and anxiety in college students may be because more students are coming to college with pre-existing mental health difficulties.

There are also more students who are not socially connected at college in an engaged type of way.

Weather (Seasonal Affective Disorder), student loan debt and family stress are a lot of reasons that college students may be more likely to be depressed. Sometimes, students self-medicate with alcohol or drugs, which can lead to even more stress.

Studies have shown that regular exercise, combined with therapy, has been proven to help with mild to moderate depression.

The good news is that we have a counseling center on campus. They are a team of caring individuals who want our students to get the help they need to be successful in college. They are located in Walker Health Center and can be reached at 315-312-4416. If a student is in crisis, there are crisis hours during the day, and help is also available after hours by following the instructions on the voicemail.




Dear Shelly and Ted,

If a guy is sexting me and I do not want to be receiving them, can I take any legal action?


Tired of texts


Dear Tired of Texts,

It sounds to me like this would be considered sexual harassment and would fall under Title IX. Title IX is a federal law that states that no person in the U.S. will be denied the benefits of any educational programs or activities that are receiving federal financial assistance. As an institution, we have an obligation to investigate (and take action on) any instance of sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation or sexual violence that is reported to us.

I also consulted with John Rossi from University Police on this question and he suggests communicating that in no uncertain terms that the texts stop. If the person is explicit in their request, criminal charges will apply. If the texts come in from an anonymous source, University Police would be able to subpoena the provider’s records.

Bottom line–if something like this happens to you, let them know that it is unwanted. If it continues, report it to University Police.




If you have a question, you can submit anonymously at or send a Direct Message on Twitter @LSC_Oswego