The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 4, 2025


Republicans skeptical of election results

This is a very sad day for America as a nation. This election speaks volumes. It is stunning that someone who has failed to fulfill his obligation to the position that he was elected to was given another four years instead of being ousted. Is it ignorance or have we become shallow and morally corrupt?

In watching the election play out, I wondered how this man, who had so adamantly lied during his presidential term and continued lying throughout his campaign, could win another term. Obama ran on a meaningless slogan in 2008 and four years later he recycled his rhetoric downsizing his slogan to one word, while viciously attacking and sandbagging his opponent and managed to win re-election.

It is hard to believe that all the outpouring of support and the over-filled arenas that Romney had brought in was not enough to win the election. You have to wonder whether or not the election was rigged. Numerous reports surfaced of voter ballots being lost or not accounted for, and voting machines not registering correctly, (if Obama really did win).

Fox News gathered polling data which makes this election even more perplexing. When asked about Obama’s response to Hurricane Sandy, 42 percent said that it was a deciding factor. It did not say in which state that this poll was taken because it might have been different if they asked those who are without food, utilities and fuel, not to mention those homeless and still waiting for the government to help them.

Brian Kilmeade on Fox and Friends was right when he expressed his reaction to this polling data by stating, “we are the shallowest country in the history of man,” Kilmeade concluded. “One photo op [of President Obama] walking over a two-by-four and all the sudden he is handling a storm, which by the way, has not been handled well.”

Here is another unbelievable poll result: 53 percent of the voters blame Bush for the economy. After four years in office for Obama, it is still Bush’s fault. I wonder what will be said when Obama’s eight years are up and if the economy has not improved.

What is even more mind-boggling is that voters trust Obama to handle an international crisis by seven points over Romney. After the Benghazi Cover-up where Obama knew that the American Ambassador and other American citizens were under attack. Obama watched it live, and gave the order to stand down when the Ambassador and others called for help, and subsequently lied about it.

During the campaign, Obama successfully painted Romney as someone whose policies would favor the rich. The poll found that 53 percent of voters thought this, and almost all voters thought that Obama’s policies favored the middle class (44 percent) or poor (31 percent).

When Obamacare takes effect in January of 2013, and when it becomes fully implemented in 2014, the middle class will experience the brunt of the tax increases, and seniors will find that not only will their medical coverage decrease, but their costs will increase as well.

Another pathetic representation of the voters who supported Obama according to the polling data was people who were looking for empathy in a candidate. These voters backed Obama (81-18 percent). This data represents the victim mentality that has been a trademark of the left.

We were warned over and over throughout our history that we must stay vigilant. The founding fathers, with divine intervention, had formed a Constitution and a Declaration of Independence which was meant to be upheld and protected and in return would give us liberty and freedom as a people. We have become complacent and it takes someone who has experienced tyranny to give us a wake up call.


  1. The economy is Bush’s fault. Iraq put us in debt Republican deregulation caused the credit crisis and Obama inherited it all. The last Republcan President lied to America and Congress about WMDs sunk us into debt and walked away smiling. The Republican led House exists to stop Obama from doing what the Majority of America asked him to do.

    Voter Fraud? Like the voter supression in Florida? They had a 5 page ballot, early voting time cut in half and, over 5 hour wait in black and hispanic areas. This was all thanks to the Florida GOP. Look it up.

    If the Republican Party don’t change you can bet you’ve seen the last Republican President.

    • America had a mortgage crisis which led to financial crisis-it has nothing to do with the wars. Moreso the mortgage crisis started with clintons programme to make housing finance accessible to all without colateral. How do you explain how Obama had spent more in 4 years than what Bush spent in 8 years.

  2. This is a poorly written article, even for an opinion piece. Both Romney and Obama viciously attacked each other throughout the campaign. As it is in every campaign. Both tried to spin their political record to appeal to voters–as every politician does. Painting the winner (who happens to be a member of the opposing party) as an immoral liar that stole the election through voter fraud is both lazy and reminiscent of the “victim mentality” that you claim to be a “trademark of the left.” It’s extremely challenging to defeat a sitting president. Romney was torn apart in the primarys by other republicans while Obama was able to start campaigning. Obama’s campaign fought hard–complete with their own outpouring of support and over-filled arenas.

    Most polls indicated that this would be the outcome of the election. It shouldn’t be that big of a surprise. I hope, for the sake of this Country, that people like you will learn to accept this outcome and start to engage in civil discourse with those who have different political beliefs than you. It’s the only way that any progress can be made. We’re all in this together. Red, Blue, or Purple.

  3. this article is clearly biased. the liars were the republicans. President Obama did the best he could with what he had. the country was spiraling downhill when he started. Romney help Bush make the decisions which he made and supported his policies the policies then. Did you see the overcrowded arenas that Obama had? The American people has spoken. Albeit for a black man. Why were you not concerned when Bush was sending all our jobs overseas and our money to Iraq?

  4. this article is clearly biased. the liars were the republicans. President Obama did the best he could with what he had. the country was spiraling downhill when he started. Romney help Bush make the decisions which he made and supported his policies then. Did you see the overcrowded arenas that Obama had? The American people has spoken. Albeit for a black man. Why were you not concerned when Bush was sending all our jobs overseas and our money to Iraq?

  5. I am an off-campus visitor and picked up the paper dated Friday, November 9th. I have to comment on the editorial “Republicans Skeptical of Election Results.” I enjoy reading opinions from both sides of the politcal spectrum, but what I don’t enjoy is reading someone expressing their opinion as framed by another news source. By referring twice to Fox News, it feels as though the writer isn’t offering their own opinion, but rather just repeating points that they heard elsewhere. I can watch Fox and hear their opinion, I don’t need to read it elsewhere. Let’s see an opinion piece that expresses a unique point of view and isn’t just regurgitated talking points. I liked the Tim James piece, it was original and convincing.

  6. Thanks Ralph!

    Here at the Oswegonian we may disagree with some of our writers (and since you read my article you know how I feel about this article’s positions), but we think that our readers are sophisticated enough to discern their own opinions. Some readers like the things that Lori writes, some like the things that I write. Some like both.

    Thanks for reading and commenting!

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