It has been two years since Cee Lo Green released his third solo album, “Lady Killer.” This time, the ex-Gnarls Barkley singer, best known for his world famous single “Forget You,” and his position as a judge on NBC’s “The Voice,” has given his fans exactly what they have been wanting for the holiday season; A Christmas album.
“Cee Lo’s Magic Moment” is different from other more than many Christmas albums released by other artists. The album has a completed, effort-filled feeling that will make any listener satisfied. With this album, one will notice that song after song is filled with zeal, which makes the album feel more than a moneymaker. It is, a fulfilling record for all to enjoy.
In this 14-song album Cee Lo has attempted to bring back many classics, but he does so with the funky, fun and crazy renditions that so many people love. The album has many great songs, all of which flow well with one another. The best tracks on the album are “All I Need Is Love,” featuring The Muppets, “Mary, Did You Know?” “White Christmas” and “Run Rudolph Run.”
What is great about “All I Need Is Love,” is the harmoniously crazy sound produced between The Muppets and Cee Lo Green. The song is definitely one of the best on the album as it is fun, catchy, and upbeat.
Another song to acknowledge is “Mary Did You Know?” has a slower, yet powerful soundwhile bringing about a sentimental, emotional feeling.
“White Christmas,” is one of the most played Christmas classics ever. With this song Cee Lo proves that even if it has been done before, new music can be created from something old. Cee Lo’s “White Christmas,” has a lighter and soulful sound and deserves recognition as something to listen to because of Green’s amazing vocal and charismatic power.
“Run Rudolph Run,” deserves as much recognition as any other song on this album. “Run Rudolph Run,” could be considered a hidden gem; it is lesser known, and because of that, people may not give it the chance it deserves.
One song on the album that could have been left out, “You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch,” has too much speaking and not enough singing, this classic acts like a separate song that does not fit well with the mostly upbeat, soulful characteristics of the rest of the album.
What really makes this album is Cee Lo’s signature and original voice; he can make any song sound crazy and entertaining. “Cee Lo’s Magic Moment” definitely has what it takes to garner new fans, while keeping the old happy.

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