The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Staff Editorial

Tom Gillen, Our Choice

As students, most of us have but a temporary tryst with the city of Oswego, heading for greener pastures as soon as tassels move from left to right on graduation day. But the rules of public parks and loaned spaces should still apply here—we ought to leave this place in better condition than when we found it. That kind of stewardship has helped the city along for decades now, seeing it through the transition from shipping hub to industrial hotspot to energy Mecca. It’s a tradition that we as the current crop of students are obligated to continue, and with verve.

Those aware of this duty already take steps to meet its requirements. For instance, we could cite the plethora of volunteer hours worked by students, the number of internships to Oswego organizations and businesses, as well as a host of campus-community outreach projects.

Now, we’re asking you to do just one more thing: vote.

On Nov. 8, the city will hold its election for mayor of Oswego. The choice here is a simple and unambiguous one, Tom Gillen, the only candidate who can get our city working again.

The Oswegonian does not make this endorsement lightly, nor in the interest of particular ideology, as we are neither a Democratic, nor a Republican, rag. We are an independent publication, but we are not a blind one. The city of Oswego needs jobs, and a thriving economy in order to attract them. That is the only metric by which those drawn here to learn will stay here to work. Economic growth will be the genesis of each tool by which we solve every other problem in the city.

Oswego Gillen’s formidable business experience, a career working for Apple Inc. and AT&T (companies on the cutting edge of American business), means he has the street smarts to realize his goal of bringing jobs and economic activity to Oswego. It also means that this isn’t just his latest in a line of political gigs, each in effort to attain something higher while massaging the system for the benefit of himself and his cronies. To the contrary, Tom Gillen is a first-time politician, a concerned citizen sacrificing his retirement to apply his experience to our city’s needs.

A Biblical truth: we reap what we sow. If our visible presence in the city consists of loud parties, public urination and fights in the street, then it is no wonder that we might not be the citizens’ favorite residents. We need to step up our game. We need to reach out. Yet, we also need to know there will be someone on the other end who welcomes our efforts and support.

Tom Gillen is interested in working together with us to make this city great, and we should be avid partners in this goal. Other candidates have not been so welcoming.

On Nov. 8, Oswegonians will make an important choice about the future of our city. Those of us who live off-campus, on the streets of Oswego, this is your duty especially. Instead of being a visitor for a few months, you are especially affected by the rules and regulation.

We believe that Tom Gillen is the one that will accept your contribution and direct our efforts to better the city. He ought to be your choice at the ballot box.