The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Jan. 3, 2025

Month: February 2011

Archives Opinion

The Day After the Super Bowl” Flu”

Monday represented one of the least productive work days of the year. According to numerous studies, an estimated 1.5 million people play hookey from work on this seemingly normal day each year. Certainly it is not the weather that is…

Archives News

Professors offer insight to Egyptian Protests

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptian protestors continued to demand the resignation of Egyptian President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak today on what is now the 18th day of protests. Protestors are also demanding for more civil rights and Mubarak to leave the…

Archives Laker Review

Motorhead keeps classic metal alive

Even though it’s their 20th studio album, "The World is Yours" by metal band Motörhead has done nothing new to shake the ground in the metal universe, or shown musical progression as a band. But why would they? The band,…

Archives Opinion

Unsung Heroes

As I pulled my car into the parking lot on Tuesday, I drove slowly along the aisle, hoping to find a spot where the snow was cleared enough to park. After trying to pull into a few spaces and hearing…

Archives Opinion

A Little Glimmer To Look Forward To

Oswego winters are less than kind. They can be cold and oppressive, and sometimes I even find myself asking why I came here. Being from Rochester, I am used to enormous amounts of snow in short periods of time. That…

Archives News

Students fundraise to build well in Third World

For most Americans, clean water is a given, but for millions in other parts of the world clean drinking water is a commodity worth more than gold. Students for Global change is working to raise $5,000 to pay for a…

Archives Laker Review

‘Roomate’ creeps into theaters

Bad movies come in many different varieties. Some are based on interesting concepts that, due to executive meddling or other such interference, fall apart in execution. Others attempt to exploit whatever cliché is popular at the time of their release,…

Archives Laker Review

Student-directed play offers Wilde time

On Friday and Saturday, "Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde" will be performed on campus. The student-run production is based on the trials of Oscar Wilde in the late 1800s regarding his relationship with another man. The play…

Archives News

On campus hate crimes reports on rise

Law amendments made in 2008 may be a contributing factor in the recent increase of reported hate crimes on campus. In 2009, there were seven bias-related instances, up from 2007, when there were none. The amendments, put into effect by…

Archives Opinion

As right-wing columnist departs, a look back at her best work

Since 2007, Lori Moreth has been an institution on the opinion pages of The Oswegonian. As the paper expanded from a tabloid to a broadsheet and eventually found its way onto the never-ending avenue of the Internet, Lori stuck with…