The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 9, 2025

Archives Opinion

Separation of church, state absent from Constitution

Over the years, we have heard that public schools must stop school prayer. Christmas is now Winter Holiday, Christmas trees are banned from government offices as well as schools and in some government buildings, such as court rooms and town halls, the Ten Commandments are banned. If you work at department stores during the holiday shopping season, you could be fired for saying, "Merry Christmas." When we ask why, we always get the same straight answer: "separation of church and state."

In a recent debate between Democrat Chris Coons and Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell, the issue of separation of church and state was raised once again. During the debate, a question was asked about the teaching of creation or intelligent design alongside a clear-cut case of separation of church and state. O’Donnell replied with "You’re telling me the separation of church and state-the phrase, ‘the separation of church and state’ is found in the First Amendment?" The liberal leftist media and those in the blogosphere were quick to jump on this. U.S.A. Today’s online headline read: "Delaware candidate Christine O’Donnell questions church and state separation." The Washington Post’s headline read: "O’Donnell questions separation of church, state." Many of the articles that depicted O’Donnell as not knowing what is in the Constitution also failed to state the context and complete content of her comment.

If we are to take what was actually said, then, in fact, O’Donnell was correct "Separation of church and state" is not found anywhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. If the founding fathers and framers of the Constitution wanted separation of church and state to mean no religious artifact can be connected with the government or public sector, then our money would not include the words In God We Trust, or the Declaration of Independence would not have stated that our inalienable rights come from our creator. How is it that the Pledge of Allegiance states, "One Nation Under God?" In fact the First Amendment states that the government cannot establish a national religion. That was the reason the original settlers came to America. The King of England had only one religion.

So Christine O’Donnell was right. Our founding documents contain no ban on co-mingling of state property and religious values. But why haven’t the mainstream media reported on Coons’ ignorance of the First Amendment? When Coons was asked what was in the First Amendment, he could not answer it. It is funny how not one of the leftist media reported Coons’ mistake.

One thing is certain, when the left is in trouble, as they are now, they will say anything and do anything to keep their power. Conservative candidates are stupid and uneducated, they say Republicans are only for the rich.

During the 2008 election campaign the progressive left raved about Obama. We need an intelligent president, they said, one who understands the minority plight, he will heal our nation and unite us all. But the left are in for a rude awakening with these midterms and the rise of the Tea Party, and will have more trouble with the presidential election in 2012.