The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 5, 2025

Archives Opinion

Liberals crowd out God with PC

"Political Correctness, the religion of liberal progressives, preaches diversity and tolerance. We should embrace our differences and live in harmony, they say. Unless of course, you are a Christian. Those on the left for decades have led a slow march to outlaw Christianity. They use the Constitution as a weapon to drive God out of the public square, with a battle cry of "Separation of Church and State," they wage their war against Christianity. Nowhere in the Constitution is there any reference to separation of church and state. The first amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Many of the early settlers left England in order to freely practice their choice of religion without persecution from the King. This provided the protection that would prevent a state or national church and in turn allowed for the freedom to worship as one pleased.


"Some insist that this country was not founded on Christian beliefs, but they’re wrong. There are Christian references throughout our country’s history and in its documents as well. The words "In God we trust" is on our currency. In our courtrooms we swear on a Bible to tell the truth "So help me God." It is in our Pledge "One nation under God." It is Divine Providence that founded this country, but the Liberal Progressives would have you believe otherwise.


"The left has removed several references to God, Christianity and Judaism from the public schools. First it was the elimination of prayer and religious instruction on school time then some schools banned Christmas decorations and Christmas carols. The left has prohibited Halloween costumes that are considered religious such as angels, nuns, and saints. In the public square, many religious reference are frowned upon, including holiday decorations, and the Ten Commandments. Why is the left so hell-bent on removing anything associated with Judeo-Christian beliefs?


"It has to do with power and control. The left has always embraced the Marxist and Socialist agenda, which does not acknowledge God. Religious beliefs are replaced with an all-powerful government. People become oppressed, hopeless and fearful of the government-thus becoming compliant. This government wants God and Judeo-Christianity removed and yet there seems to be a double standard for the religion of Islam.


"There is a definite double standard which can be seen in the mosque controversy. All across the country, we see foot baths for Muslim prayers being installed on college campuses and in airports. Would they do the same for Christians?


"Recently, a public school in Massachusetts, Wellesley Middle School, sent students to The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and Mosque as a field trip to study the architecture. The children were told a skewed version of Islamic history and stories about the history of Western oppression of their people. At one point, a group of boys were separated from the girls and were taught how to pray and then participated in a prayer session with Islamic males. No one protested this trip, which happened to have been videotaped. If the field trip was to a Catholic cathedral to study the paintings on the ceilings and the children took part in a mass, I’m sure there would be lawsuits. The ACLU would be after the teacher that organized the trip as well as the school officials.


"Hollywood the liberal progressive’s holy land, has a new animated cartoon from Comedy Central. It is about Jesus Christ, and it portrays him in a negative light. This is the same station that refused to show a South Park episode depicting the prophet Mohammed and they would not stand behind the makers of South Park. But it seems that Comedy Central doesn’t have a problem denigrating Jesus Christ and offending Christians. It proves once and for all the liberals are cowards when it comes to radical Islam but they find humor in ridiculing and bullying Christians.


"There seems to be no end to the war on Christianity and on our nation. We have a President and a majority in congress who believes that this country needs to be fundamentally transformed. The country doesn’t need to change, the government does.