The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025


Activity fee vote could jeopardize organizations

The upcoming student vote over whether to continue making the Student Activity Fee mandatory may negatively impact all organizations on Oswego State’s campus if it is struck down.

Every two years, the Student Association (S.A.) holds a vote on whether to keep the $97 per semester activity fee mandatory for all students. This year, with recent increases in tuition and excessive budget cuts hitting SUNY schools state-wide, fears are surfacing that the mandatory fee could stand a real chance at being voted down by students, and be made just voluntary.

"I think the campus would become a lot more dim," said Christina Ballesteros, S.A. president. "The culture would also die out."

The fee sponsors every club, intramural and other extra activities on campus including Greek Life, religious clubs and SAVAC.

"Without [the fee] you wouldn’t have funding for your organizations," Ballesteros said.

"That’s all the funding," said Lauren Atkinson, S.A. director of finance. "So they wouldn’t be able to do really anything."

If the fee gets voted down, S.A. would only have a small amount of money kept in a reserve for the next two years. With no fiscal system to keep them up and running, "programs would be cut immensely," Ballesteros said, including late-night dining and spring concerts.

"I don’t think people realize how much our organizations actually do for