The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 2, 2025

Archives Opinion

Letter to the Editor

Usually I don’t respond to those who oppose my view unless of course they ask for it. I am taking your advice, Aaron Hammond, as you stated in your ever so flattering article, and defending my viewpoint that you deemed asinine. I love your choice of words. Apparently, you must have had some difficulty in comprehending what you read. Let me help you out.

You stated that my article was riddled with inaccuracies. It appears you have made several mistakes in your hasty attempt to discredit my point. You need to read my article again and you will see that nowhere did I say Obama wants to eliminate this sanction to get rid of any and all gay people currently serving. You claim that you don’t know where I got this idea about Obama wanting to ban gays. It came from you. A little piece of advice, be careful when putting words in other people’s mouths, and make sure your accusations are valid ones. You seem to be confused.

In 1993, a law was passed banning homosexuals from serving in the military (section 654, title 10 USC). Google it. Clinton had enacted the policy of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to protect homosexuals frozm the law that banned them from serving. Never did I say or imply they needed to be protected from straight men. You are a prime example of my statement, so called educated elitists are confusing a law that prohibits with a policy that circumvents it. Does the shoe fit?

As for the DSM on homosexuality, you wrote that I was incorrect and that my so-called mistake had jumped out at you. Ok, let’s see one of my sources. (In 1986, the diagnosis was removed entirely from the DSM. The only vestige of ego dystonic homosexuality in the revised DSM-III occurred under Sexual Disorders Not Otherwise Specified, which included persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation (American Psychiatric Association, 1987; see Bayer, 1987, for an account of the events leading up to the 1973 and 1986 decisions).

I believe everyone has a right to their opinion. As I stated in my article, some military personnel feel uncomfortable serving with homosexuals who are open with their sexuality. Many surveys taken regarding homosexuals in the military indicate a large number of service members have reservations of some sort or another. A Military Times poll revealed 58 percent of active duty service members support Don’t ask, Don’t Tell. About14 percent said they would consider leaving the military if homosexuals were allowed to serve openly. Ten percent said they would not re-enlist.

You have strongly suggested that they get over it, saying, "it’s 2009, there are gay people in every walk of life. Here’s a news flash, there have been homosexuals since the dawn of time. The only difference is people kept their sexual preferences where it belonged, in private.

Now as far as political correctness, I believe it is devised to silence free speech. On diversity, I feel that it focuses too much on our differences and not what is common. It is a known fact that we gravitate to those who are similar to our own personalities. Focus on that unites, it doesn’t divide.

For the record, I have nothing against homosexuality or someone’s sexual preference, that’s their private business. I do, however, question why someone’s sexual orientation must be made public. When you fill out a job application, do you put your sexual orientation on it? Is it on your resume? Do you introduce yourself as straight or gay?

Do you get special bonus points if you announce your sexual preference? It’s not relevant. So, why do it?

Finally my dear friend, you write, the number one way to combat ignorance is knowledge. I hope that the knowledge I’m giving you will help. Let me assure you that when I voice my opinion, I know what I’m talking about. Do you?